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AP US History vocabulary list: Difference between revisions

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== Revolutionary War ==
== Revolutionary War ==
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Battle of Saratoga|}}</ul></li>
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Battle of Saratoga|}}</ul></li>
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Valley Forge|}}<li>virtual representation|the British idea that the colonies were represented "virtually," or in essence, by Parliament and without "direct" representation; following the Stamp Act, Benjamin Franklin argued for representation in Parliament: "If you chuse to tax us, give us Members in your Legislature and let us be one People." A core problem with representation was that the proprietary colonial landowners traditionally resided in London and therefore managed their colonial affairs from there, with direct influence in Parliament; Lonodon-based Caribbean plantation owners and merchants, especially, argued against direct representation, as "virtual representation" gave them more control over the colonies}}</li></ul>
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Valley Forge|}}