Transition words translations

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Transition Words

  • this entry supports the SAT Digital Reading and Writing Test quick start guide
  • "transition words" are sometimes referred to as "linking words"
    • linking words connect thoughts or sentences.
  • their grammatical forms are
    • conjunctive adverbs
      • such as however, nevertheless, anyway, etc.
    • adverbial prepositional phrases
      • such as "at any rate," "in the meantime"
  • the key to "transition words" is to think of them as
    • combining (conjunctive) ideas (sentence predicates) for
      • chronology
      • contradiction
      • example
      • explanation
      • extension
      • negation
      • sequence
  • transition words are a writing technique to move ideas along

General Characteristic of Transition Words[edit | edit source]

  • consider:
    • does it support (POSITIVE)
      • including if it indicates a sequence or chronology
    • does it contradict (NEGATIVE)
    • does it move on from or change the topic (NEUTRAL)
expands contrasts adds side-information
explains contradicts defers to another idea
restates states an opposite
adds information offers alternative
gives example Says "yes... but"
draws a conclusion from
chronological or creates a sequence

Transition Word Translations & Meanings[edit | edit source]

Positive Transition Word Translations[edit | edit source]

accordingly as a result, consequently, hence, therefore, thus; may also mean "correspondingly" or "for this reason"
additionally / in addition / in addition to / additionally also, as well, furthermore, moreover, on top of...
afterward next, subsequently, then
also additionally, as well, furthermore, moreover; may also mean "equally"
as a result accordingly, consequently, correspondingly, hence, therefore;
as a rule generally, normally, ordinarily, usually
as such "if so, then"; by definition, essentially
at any rate "well, any way..."
better "even better", "what's even better"
by the same token in the same way, for the same reasons
consequently accordingly, as a result, correspondingly, hence, therefore
finally eventually, at the end, in conclusion
for "having a purpose", a reason (note: "for" is a preposition, so it is more likely to be used as "for this reason")
for example for instance, like, such as
for instance as an example, for example, such as
for these reasons because, because of, due to, since
fortunately "good thing that"; happily, luckily, thankfully
furthermore additionally, also, as well, moreover, on top of that
hence accordingly, consequently, for this reason, that being the case, therefore, thus
in broad terms generally, in a larger sense, loosely speaking, overall
in conclusion to sum up, finally
in so doing / in doing so
in effect effectively, essentially, for all practical purposes, practically
in fact "as a matter of fact", "that is to say"
in other words "explained differently", "in simple terms"
in particular especially
in short "to summarize", overall
in sum overall
increasingly it is happening more; more of
indeed "as a matter of fact", actually
like for instance, likewise, similar to
likewise "by the same token," like, similarly, the same as
moreover additionally, as well, furthermore
nextly, secondly, thirdly, etc. = additional points or examples
on top of additionally, moreover
similarly comparably, correspondingly, likewise
specifically particularly, precisely
subsequently after, next, then, thereafter, thereupon
that is by explanation, that is to say, in other words
then after, next, thereafter, thereupon, subsequently
thereafter subsequently, ever since, "as a result of"
therefore accordingly, as a result, consequently, hence, thus
to these ends / to that end "for that reason", "in order to [accomplish that]
to wit more precisely, in other words
thus accordingly, as a result, consequently, hence, therefore
what is additionally, furthermore
what's more technically a noun clause, but used to indicate additional information

Negative Transition Word Translations[edit | edit source]

actually but, contrarily, etc.
admittedly it must be conceded/ admitted/ acknowledged
alternatively on the other hand, conversely, in contrast
although despite the fact, even though, however, not withstanding, while; could also represent an objection or caveat
at any rate anyhow, anyway, in any event, nevertheless
at the same time even so, meanwhile
besides apart from, aside from, not including, on top of that; may also mean "except for"
by contrast compared to, next to
conversely alternatively, on the other hand
despite / despite this even so, "ignoring that," in spite of, regardless of, though, "without being affected by"; also may mean "in contrast to"
however although, but, even so, though, still, yet
in any case whatever happens, anyway
in contrast by comparison, conversely, the opposite
instead alternatively, rather, in place of
meanwhile for the time being, for now
nevertheless "still" or "yes, but"; at any rate, anyhow, anyway, even though, in any event, nonetheless, regardless, yet,
nonetheless "yes, but"; in spite of, nevertheless, regardless, yet
on one hand / on the other hand = suggests a contrast
otherwise "apart from that," instead, "if not then...",
regardless anyway, all the same, despite just the same, nevertheless, still
still even so, all the same, nevertheless, regardless, "yes, but"
that being said nevertheless, "well, but..."
though anyhow, despite, even though, "for all that"
whatever "at all" (as in "whatever good it does")
whether = sets up a comparison or contrast ("whether or not i go...")
while whereas (a contrast)
worse "what is worse...", "even worse"
yet although, even so, however, just the same, in spite of, nevertheless, nonetheless, still

Neutral Transition Word Translations[edit | edit source]


(not as in "nevertheless")

whatever, let's move on... ("anyway" may be a negative or neutral change in subject)
granted given that, assuming that, even if... (can be negative, positive or neutral )
incendentally in another matter, on the side (= unrelated but at the same time)
meanwhile as in "something else is happening..."
no matter as in "doesn't matter"
whatever as in "nevermind that," "anyway" ... defers the idea

Chronological Transition Word Translations[edit | edit source]

after / afterwards
alternately by turns, another
before / beforehand
first / firstly
second / secondly

Alternative Categorizations of Transition Words[edit | edit source]

Other ways of thinking about transition words include:

Chronology or sequence finally, meanwhile, next, suddenly
Location or relation alongside, beyond, further
Example or illustration for example, for this reason, in other words, in this case, in particular (some are similar to causal transition words)
Agreement, affirmation, emphasis and, also, clearly, equally importantly, especially, furthermore, importantly, in fact, indeed, moreover, undoubtedly
Comparison: positive (similarity) as well, likewise, similarly,
Comparison: negative (contrast, contradiction) despite, even though, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, while, yet
Cause, purpose, intention because of, in order to, since
Effect or result accordingly, as a result, consequently, due to, for the purpose of, hence, in order to, owing to, since, so, therefore
Conclusion all things considered, finally, in conclusion, in general, overall, to summarize, ultimately

Using coordinating conjunctions to identify the correct transition word[edit | edit source]

FANBOYS connect two sentences.

  • so rather than using a conjunctive adverb to compare/contrast two sentences, if we join them with a FANBOYS, we may better see the transtion

Conjunction (FANBOYS)

Transition Word equivalents Example
and similarly To express a local heritage from the industrial past, artists may use artifacts of that past in their works. Some artists in Oklahoma incorporated oil rig parts to express their heritage. ______ In New York, certain artists imbed old platform panels to evoke the grandeur of the city's subway system.
  • note how "Similarly" could be replaced by "and" to create a logical connection
but however, nevertheless