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'''Slave Revolts'''
'''Slave Revolts'''

* New York Slave Revolt of 1712
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:New York Slave Revolt of 1712|New York held the most slaves of all the colonies as of 1712, but for urban not agricultural labor; there were many freed slaves, as well, who lived in proximity to one another, so slave discontent was driven by access to and sharing with freed slaves and people in general; the NY Slave Revolt makes for an interesting comparison v. other, southern, slave revolts in that they were not isolated by agricultural conditions and plantation structures}}</ul></li>
* Stono Rebellion, 1739|South Carolina, largest slave rebellion with 25 English and 35-50 slaves killed
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Stono Rebellion, 1739|South Carolina, largest slave rebellion with 25 English and 35-50 slaves killed; led by an educated slave who knew to take advantage of planters' Sunday worship gatherings when they were unsuspecting and unarmed; this and other southern slave revolts were the product of horrible living conditions but growing slave populations who were able to organize while isolated from free whites; following the Stono Rebellion, SC passed laws requiring more whites per black slaves on plantations and limiting slave access to their own food and economic production}}</ul></li>
* Nat Turner's Rebellion
* Nat Turner;s Rebellion

'''US Fronteir/ Indian Wars'''
'''US Fronteir/ Indian Wars'''