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==Logical fallacies and tricks==
==Logical fallacies and tricks==
*ad hominem
*ad populum / bandwagon appeal
*begging the question
*begging the question
*broken leg fallacy
*broken leg fallacy
**presents a solution for a problem caused by that or a related solution
**presents a solution for a problem caused by that or a related solution
**i.e, break the leg, then offer to fix it
**i.e, break the leg, then offer to fix it
*circular argument
**restates the argument rather than proving it
**ex. "''She's a great skater because she skates well''"
*confusing credentials for evidence
*confusing credentials for evidence
**i.e., "98% of dentists recommend flossing"
**i.e., "98% of dentists recommend flossing"
***does not provide evidence for the benefits of flossing, just that supposed experts say so
***does not provide evidence for the benefits of flossing, just that supposed experts say so
*fallacy of relevance
*fallacy of relevance
*false equivalence
**illogical comparison of dissimilar subjects
**i.e., comparing "apples to oranges"
*genetic fallacy
**fallacy that of the origins of something determine its value
**ex., the VW was designed by Hitler, and Hitler is evil, therefore the VW is evil
*hasty generalization
*''ignoratio elenchi'' an argument that misses the point
*''ignoratio elenchi'' an argument that misses the point
*moral equivalence fallacy
**illogically compares things of distinct moral or ethical dimensions
**ex., "''That politician who disagrees with me is a Nazi!''"
*non sequitur
*non sequitur
**" Humpty Dumptying" or "Humpty Dumptyisms":
**" Humpty Dumptying" or "Humpty Dumptyisms":