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'''Rhetorical device / rhetorical devices''' = language or communication tools used for persuasion
Rhetoric is the art of persuasion, a fundamental component of open, civil society and discourse. Where there is no persuasion, there is mere conformity or, worse, compulsion. Rhetoric underlies a free, democratic society.
Rhetoric is more than a matter of speaking or writing <u>style</u>. It is a combination of 1) speaker & audience; 2) logic; 3) emotion = ''ethos, logos, pathos.'' Rhetoric moves ideas, is moved by ideas, and changes behaviors, beliefs, and actions.
== Definitions ==
=== rhetoric ===
* "the art of the use of language for persuasion"
=== rhetorical ===
* of or having to do with "rhetoric", which is "the art the use of language for persuasion"
=== device ===
* a technique or tool employed in
* thus, a technique for persuasion
=== rhetorical device ===
= techniques for persuasion
=== "rhetorical" in literary analysis ===
* note that in literature, "rhetoric" and "rhetorical"
see also: [[Rhetoric]] page entry
== Rhetoric ==
* "the art of persuasion"
* one of the three classical arts of discourse (see below)
* Aristotle defined rhetoric as
** "the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion."
* generally, rhetoric is the study of techniques to inform, persuade, or motivate (an audience)
* In the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Stephen Ziliak defines rhetoric as:
Rhetoric is employed in both act and perception, in private thought and public communication. It is a means of communication as well as a theory for understanding and criticizing itself and the alternative means of communication. (p. 237)
=== Trivium - "Three Arts of Discourse" ===
* "trivium" = "the place where three roads meet"
* [[wikipedia:Sister_Miriam_Joseph|Sister Miriam Joseph]]'s explanation of the Trivium:
** '''grammar''' for expression of thought
*** ''the thing as-it-is-symbolized''
**** symbols = letters and words
** '''logic''' for the art of thought
*** ''the thing as-it-is-known''
** '''rhetoric''' for communication
*** ''the thing as-it-is-communicated''
*** use of language and logic to persuade
* the trivium became the basis of the medieval "seven liberal arts"
** the trivium (3) and its extension in the "quadrivium" ("four ways") of astronomy, arithmetic (mathematics), geometry, and music
*** why arithmetic and geometry are distinct?
**** arithmetic or mathematics = pure numbers (i.e. conceptual)
**** geometry = number in space (i.e. distance, relation, etc.)
***** studies the properties of distance, size, shape and relative positions
==== Grammar ====
* the mechanics of language
** including the "law of identity"
*** that states "a horse is a horse, and not a man"
*** see Plato's [https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/plato-cratylus/ Cratylus]
==== Logic ====
* the mechanics of thought
** i.e., analysis, deduction, argument
* also, "dialectic"
** = refers to reasoned argumentation, usually between two or more people who debate or discuss a topic with the aim to establish a truth
==== Rhetoric ====
* application of language and logic for persuasion
* Aristotle saw rhetoric as
** "a combination of the science of logic and of the ethical branch of politics"
** thus it was designed for understanding, discovery and argumentation
** as both argumentation and ethics, rhetoric is truth-seeking
* the art of rhetoric was especially important to the ancient Greeks who developed democracy and civic participation
** rhetoric was a political tool and valued as an essential element of civic society
=== Aristotle's "Rhetoric" ===
* Aristotle = 4th Century B.C. Greek philosopher who deeply influenced Western thought
* his work, "Rhetoric" or "Art of Rhetoric" studied the art of persuasion
* in it, Aristotle clarified a center ground between the "sophists", who cared only for persuasion, regardless for truth, and Plato (and thus, Socrates) who focused on philosophy and absolute truths
** Plato felt that rhetoric was inherently deceptive, so only philosophy, which focused on discovering the truth
** Aristotle's insight was that rhetoric is a key tool for the discovery of truth
== Persuasion ==
* persuasion is the art of influencing another person's attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, choices, intentions or motivations
* persuasion is distinct from coercion
** as such, persuasion marks the fundamental distinguishing element in democratic as opposed to totalitarian society
** coercion is the use of violence, threats of violence, or some form of repercussion in order to control or shape behavior, beliefs, or ideas
** forms of changing belief that are coercive include (and thus are not persuasion)
*** indoctrination
*** brainwashing
*** propagandism
*** censorship
* persuasion requires
** reciprocity
*** as Stephen Ziliak notes, "rhetoric judges and is judged, it moves and is moved."
** honesty
*** which is why Aristotle was so concerned about "ethics"
** logic
** language
* forms of persuasion
** logic
** rhetorical devices (see below)
** heuristics
*** problem solving or argumentation that is not precise but yields an approximate truth or reality
*** heuristics are rational but not perfectly logical
*** includes:
**** educated guess
**** trial and error
**** applied experience (things turn out as expected from prior experience)
== Aristotle's Modes of Persuasion ==
* the commonly referred to modes of persuasion are '''''ethos, logos''''' and '''''pathos'''''
* Aristotle also discussed a fourth mode of persuasion, '''''kairos''''' (see below)
* Aristotle distinguished types of <u>persuasive situations</u>, including
** '''''epideictic''''' = ceremonial speeches (praise or condemnation)
** '''''forensic''''' = judicial, especially for establishing guilt or innocence
** '''''deliberative''''' = persuasion of an audience on an issue or idea
*** the purpose of deliberative rhetoric was to pursue the '''''koinon''','' or common, or greater, good
*** deliberative rhetoric was to be used in the four '''''politeia''''', democracy, oligarchy, aristocracy and monarchy
* and he distinguished two types of "rhetorical proofs"
** proof = a logical argument that is sufficient to establish a truth
** '''''enthymeme''''' = proof by logic (syllogism, or deductive reasoning)
*** i.e., if A= B, and B=C, then A=C
** '''''paradeigma''''' = proof by example
*** in order to establish a general rule
* he argued that philosophy is too narrow a discipline for practical purposes
** while philosophy is useful for reasoning to a scientific (knowledgeable) certainty or truth
** rhetoric has a larger, practical role in human affairs
* In ''Rhetoric'', Aristotle outlined three main categories of persuasive techniques to employ upon an audience
** (note that the appeal must have an audience!)
** ''ethos, logos'' & ''pathos''
* Aristotle agrees with Plato that persuasion can be deceptive and abusive,
** thus while employing "pathos" (passion, emotion), a speaker must also exhibit "ethos" (see below)
=== Ethos ===
* ethical appeal to establish speaker's credibility and character
** most commonly taught in high school as "appeal to authority" or the "credibility" of the speaker
** wherein the speaker establishes expertise, knowledge, authority or credibility
* however, Aristotle's use of '''''eunoia''''' is essential to understand the meaning of "ethos"
** an "ethos" is a common set of values
** thus the mode of persuasion of ethos must appeal to and reinforce the beliefs, character, and ideals of the audience
*** it is from that commonality with the audience that the speaker earns credibility
* for Aristotle ethos consists of a speaker's
** '''''phronesis''''' = wisdom and good judgment
** '''''arete''''' = excellence or virtue
** '''''eunoia''''' = good will between the speaker and the audience
* accordingly, a speaker's credibility may be impugned (disputed) if
** speaker lacks expertise (i.e., speaker lacks authority, experience or knowledge to speak about the topic)
** speaker has a personal interest in the outcome of the debate (i.e., has a personal bias, thus lacks credibility)
** speaker has an ulterior motive in the outcome of the debate (i.e. has an additional reason for taking a position)
=== Logos ===
* reason
=== Pathos ===
* appeal to the emotions of an audience via
** sympathy (''I feel bad for you'') or empathy (''I know how you feel'')
=== the three Modes of Persuasion circularity ===
* while not explicit in Aristotle, we can see that each of the modes can be interconnected or self-referential to one another:
{| class="wikitable"
|+Reinforced or Dual Modes of Persuasion
!Multi-modal argument
|A common or shared emotional experience w/ the audience ("I have suffered with you")
|A common emotional experience that has a logical conclusion ("Starving babies is mean and also kills them")
|A logical argument that leads to a common and/or emotional experience ("If we continue this madness, we will all die"
=== Kairos ===
* a well-timed appeal that stays within the context of the moment
* ''kairos'' means "the right, critical, or opportune moment"
** arguing something at the right time
** keeping to the persuasive context
== Rhetorical devices ==
* see above for Ethos, Logos and Pathos
* additional sections will cover rhetorical devices of counter-argument and repetition
* note
** some of these rhetorical devices may be used to create false or misleading arguments or logical fallacies, or to impugn (insult, insincerely attack) another person or position (ex. "ad hominem")
** many of these devices are also called "literary devices" and so are listed within that category, as well
** see [[Logical fallacy|Logical fallacies]] and [[Literary devices]]
=== ad hominem ===
=== ad hominem ===

=== apophasis ===
* personal attack on the opponent as opposed to the opponent's argument
* can be a valid argument; see: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/character-attack/ Character Attacks: How to Properly Apply the Ad Hominem - Scientific American]
=== alliteration ===
* repetition of sounds
** ''tightening tentacles terribly perturbs our tentative template''
=== aporia ===
* expression of doubt
** ''when will this ever end, that is our problem''
=== assonance ===
=== cacophony ===
* clashing sounds and words meant to convey tension or trouble
=== consonance ===
=== irony ===
=== Gish gallop ===
* rapid use of multiple arguments in order to overwhelm a debate or argument
** avoids scrutiny of individual arguments
** named for Duane Gish who spoke rapidly and without allowing the opponent to intervene or analyze each individual arguments
=== merism ===
* stating the extremes of something
** as in "from A to Z"
=== metanoia ===
* re-expressing a statement in a stronger or lesser way
** ''Her idea changed our country; indeed, it changed the world!''
* ''metanoia'' means "a change of mind, a new way of seeing"
=== metonymy ===
* a reference to a person or thing though an office or attribute
** ''the White House'' (the president)
** ''my heart beats for you'' (love, care)
** ''those suits care only about themselves'' (corporate leaders)
=== onomatopoeia ===
* using words that sound like the mean
=== paralipsis ===
* see apophasis
=== personification ===
* giving human qualities to objects or ideas
=== trap question ===
* a syllogistic (logical) line of questions or thought that lead one's opponent to a logical conclusion in support of one's own argument
* particularly powerful in trials, whereby the witness is "trapped" into an admission of some fact
=== understatement ===
== Rhetorical devices of counterarguments ==
==== diasyrmus ====
* a ridiculous comparison in order to dismiss a counter argument
==== derision ====
* ridicule or satire of an opposing argument
** ''You believe that? I have a bridge to sell you!''
==== procatalepsis ====
* an argument that anticipates a possible objection
* then rebuts those objections
=== enthymeme ===
* an incomplete logical argument that begs the listener to fill in the answer or one that is already understood
** ''You can bet he'd never do that. Well, not if he's the kind of person he thinks himself to be.''
=== hyperbole ===

* also called "'''Paralipsis'''"
* exaggeration for effect
=== hypophora ===
* ask a question, then proceed to answer it
== Rhetorical devices of repetition ==
==== anadiplosis ====
* repeating a word or idea between sentence parts
** ''to each a duck, ducks for all!''
** ''whosoever suffers it, suffers the most''
==== anaphora ====
* repeating a word at the beginning of each clause, sentence or paragraph
* similar to '''epistrophe'''
** = repetition of a word or phrase at the end of a cause, sentence or paragraph
* '''symploce''' ("sim-ploh-see")
** = use of both anaphora and epistrophe
==== antanaclasis ====
* repeating a word without interruption
** ''yes, yes, yes''
** ''why? why? why?''
==== apophasis ====
* also called '''paralipsis'''
* author mentions an argument or fact in order to deny it or to deny using it
* author mentions an argument or fact in order to deny it or to deny using it
* also used to mention something indirectly
* also used to mention something indirectly
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* see [[wikipedia:Apophasis|Apophasis - Wikipedia]]
* see [[wikipedia:Apophasis|Apophasis - Wikipedia]]

=== paralipsis ===
== Figurative or literary devices ==
* generally used for literary purposes and effects, these devices may also aid in the persuasive use of rhetoric
=== imagery ===

* see Apophasis
=== metaphor ===

=== simile ===
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