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Virginia SOL Virginia and US History test: important concepts: Difference between revisions

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|Emancipation Proclamation
|Emancipation Proclamation
* declared that the slaves in states in rebellion were free
** note that the Proclamation did not free slaves in the several slave states that were not in rebellion, but Lincoln felt he did not have the power to do that
** the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865 fully abolished slavery
|Abraham Lincoln
|Abraham Lincoln
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|Gettysburg Address
|Gettysburg Address
* important statement about the purpose of the war:
** to uphold the values of equality and liberty in the Declaration of Independence
** to affirm democracy ("''government of the people, by the people and for the people''")
|Woodrow Wilson
|Woodrow Wilson
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|"Fourteen Points Speech"
|"Fourteen Points Speech"
* declared that people around the world deserved international guarantees of
** "self-determination" (deciding their own form of government)
** protection from invasion from other countries
** free trade and free passage in the oceans
* called for the formation of a "League of Nations" to implement these ideals
|Franklin Roosevelt (FDR)
|Franklin Roosevelt (FDR)
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|"We have nothing fear but fear itself" speech
|"We have nothing fear but fear itself" speech
* FDR's 1st inaugural address in 1933
* declared that as bad as things were in the economy due to the Great Depression
** that the nation could come together to fix it
** and that only fear of change would stop that
|Franklin Roosevelt (FDR)
|Franklin Roosevelt (FDR)
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|"A day that will live in infamy" speech
|"A day that will live in infamy" speech
* speech given after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on Dec 7, 1941
|John F. Kennedy (JFK)
|John F. Kennedy (JFK)
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|"Berlin Wall speech"
|"Berlin Wall speech"
* after the Russians constructed a wall to separate East (Russian controlled) from West Berlin (American controlled)
** the built the wall to keep people from fleeing (escaping) East Germany
* Kennedy declared that he would support the West Berlin people ("I am a Berliner")
|Lyndon Johnson
|Lyndon Johnson
|"Great Society speech"
|"Great Society speech"
* declared that the US should not have poverty
* called for a "war on poverty" through Federal programs designed to assist the poor and prevent poverty in general and also to support education
|Martin Luther King  
|Martin Luther King
|"I have a dream speech"
|"I have a dream speech"
* at the March on Washington at the Lincoln Memorial, MLK discussed his vision of a nation that respected people of all colors
** and that would no longer separate or treat people differently based on the color of their skin
** thus "I have a dream..."
|Ronald Reagan
|Ronald Reagan
|"Tear down this wall" speech
|"Tear down this wall" speech
* Reagan gave a speech in West Berlin that challenged the Soviets (Russian communists) to "tear down" the Berlin Wall that separated East from West Berlin
* the idea was that all walls or other forms of barriers that the Soviets had built to protect communism and keep people from escaping it should come down
* two years later, the Berlin Wall was brought down as the Soviet Union collapsed