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* the "trap" occurs by negating the value of an historical moment while failing to identify that event as necessary and sufficient for the present day
* the "trap" occurs by negating the value of an historical moment while failing to identify that event as necessary and sufficient for the present day
* "traps" create a [[Paradox|paradox]]
* "traps" create a [[Paradox|paradox]]
=== Dictators paradox ===
* from Presidnt Herbert Hoover
** "It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his own."
* the idea that
** to attain power a dictator must have access to free speech (press, publicity, etc.)
** but to maintain power, a dictator must shut down free speech (of opponents)
* an ultimate effect is that by prohibiting speech and dissent, the dictator also
** reduces access to information from which to guide policies and hold on power
** generates resentment and hostility

==== Grandfather paradox ====
==== Grandfather paradox ====