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US History timeline & concept chart: 16th-18th centuries (to 1754) British-American colonies: Difference between revisions

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**** Elizabeth subsequently cracked down on pro-Catholic agitators and sympathizers
**** Elizabeth subsequently cracked down on pro-Catholic agitators and sympathizers
=== Thirty Years War, 1618-1648 ===
=== Thirty Years War, 1618-1648 ===
[[File:Habsburg dominions 1700.png|thumb|Habsburg possessions in Europe, ca 1700]]
* background:
* background:
** in 1500s, Protestant movements, mostly Lutheran, had spread across central and northern Europe
** in 1500s, Protestant movements, mostly Lutheran, had spread across central and northern Europe
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**** residents who did not wish to live under that religion would be free to leave without harassment
**** residents who did not wish to live under that religion would be free to leave without harassment
*** these realms (principalities) would remain under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire
*** these realms (principalities) would remain under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire
*** the agreement did not protect Calvinists, which was spreading across northern Europe but was opposed by Lutherans
** the Holy Roman Empire was a loose collection of states, either directly or indirectly ruled by Spain and Austria
** the Holy Roman Empire was
*** direct Spanish rule included Netherlands, parts of northern Italy and southern Italy
* European war between Catholic and protestant nations & regions, mostly in central Europe
*** Austrian rule ("House of Habsburg") included Hungry, Bohemia (eastern Germany, largely today's Czech Republic)
**** Austrian rule over German territories was loose and non-contiguous (not directly connected)
* other causes:
** spread of Protestantism beyond accepted borders under the Peace of Augsburg
** growth of Calvinism, which was opposed by Lutherans and not protected under the Peace of Augsburg
** economic competition between Calvinist and Lutheran states, including Baltic and Scandinavian countries (especially Sweden, which was Lutheran)
* direct cause:
** re-imposition of Catholicism and former Catholic properties in Bohemia led to a revolt there called the "Bohemian Revolt"; click EXPAND for notes on Bohemian Revolt:
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[[File:Prague Castle defenestration site.jpg|thumb|The window (top floor) where the defenestration occurred in 1618, when Protestant locals threw two Catholic agents of the Holy Roman Emperor out the window; they both survived]]
* Bohemia had a long history of quasi-independence from Catholic rule
** including the right to publish the Bible in Slavic (see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saints_Cyril_and_Methodius Saints Cyril and Methodius (wikipedia)]
* Bohemian priest Jan Hus led a reform movement, especially in protest of papal selling of "indulgences" (forgiveness for sins for money)
** Hus was excommunicated and burned at the stake in 1415
** Hus's followers led a successful peasant revolt in the "Hussite Wars"
** ultimately, the Hussites surrendered to the Catholic King of Bohemia
** Hus's reform movement came over 100 years before that of Church reformer Martin Luther (the 1517 "95 Theses"), who inherited Hus' ideas
* the Bohemian Revolt (1618-1620) was precipitated when royal governors (agents of the Holy Roman Emperor) attempted retake Catholic properties and rule
** Protestant leaders threw two of the royal governors out the window of a castle
*** both survived
*** the Catholics claimed that Mother Mary descended from heaven and gently set them on the ground
*** the Protestants claimed that they fell into donkey dung, thus saving them from the fall
*** one of the royal governors was later rewarded by the Emperor and given the title, "Baron of Highfall"
** Catholic forces defeated the Bohemian protestants, but Denmark and Sweden joined the war, spreading it across Germany
* '''overall, the Thirty Years War''':
** war between Catholic and protestant nations & regions
** war between protestant sects, principally Lutherans and Calvinists
** tremendous negative impact on European populations & economies
** tremendous negative impact on European populations & economies
*** estimates of 4.5 to 8 million dead (some parts of Germany suffered 50% population declines)
*** estimates of 4.5 to 8 million dead (some parts of Germany suffered 50% population declines)
** 1648 Peace of Westphalia
** the war ended when the Holy Roman Emperor decided not to press further due to financial strain of the constant fighting
*** terms of settlement indirectly established principles of "national sovereignty" and "non-interference"
* 1648 '''Peace of Westphalia'''
**** see [[wikipedia:Westphalian_sovereignty|Westphalian sovereignty (wikipedia)]]
** the settlement created independent small states
*** created independent Dutch state (freed from control by Spain)
** indirectly established principles of "national sovereignty" and "non-interference"
*** France, which joined the war late, was empowered
*** see [[wikipedia:Westphalian_sovereignty|Westphalian sovereignty (wikipedia)]]
*** weakening of Spain
** created independent Dutch state (freed from control by Spain)
*** England largely free of involvement or impact of 30 Years War
** France, which joined the war late, was empowered by the war
** impact on American colonies  
*** Spain and Austria were weakened
*** shift in European balance of power from Spain & Portugal to England, France & Netherlands
*** England remained largely free of involvement or impact of 30 Years War
**** competition for American colonial possessions increased
* '''impact of Thirty Years War on American colonies''':
*** increase in slave trade to include Dutch, French and English
** shift in European balance of power from Spain & Portugal to England, France & Netherlands
** competition for American colonial possessions increased
** increase in slave trade to include Dutch, French and English and not just Portuguese and French
=== English Civil War, 1642–1651===
=== English Civil War, 1642–1651===
* extremely violent, disruptive period across the British Isles, hundreds of thousands of deaths from combat  
* extremely violent, disruptive period across the British Isles, hundreds of thousands of deaths from combat