Critical thought
Critic, Critical, Criticize, Criticism, Critical Thought
- assessment, discernment, judgement of value, merit or worth
- can be positive or negative judgment
- from:
- Greek kritikos for "able to make judgments,"
- Greek krinein for "to separate, decide"
- Latin criticus for "a judge, a censor, an estimator"
- PIE origin root *krei- "to sieve" or to sort, to filter, thus "discriminate, distinguish"
- critical
- a dangerous situation or point of crisis , as in a situation that requires assessment, discernment, judgment, and decision
- negative, judgmental, or disapproving, as in a negative judgment or assessment of worth or value
- note that "criticism" or "critical" comments/feedback is not intended to be an insult
- instead it is a judgment or assessment of value
- to be "overly-critical" means to underestimate or ignore the value in something or someone
- critical thought, then, is the ability to honestly, fairly, and thoughtfully judge
- "crisis" in Chinese =

- = combination of two characters:
- danger
- + opportunity