Literary Analysis and Criticism

From A+ Club Lesson Planner & Study Guide

Literary Analysis and Criticism

Criticism definition[edit | edit source]


Summarizing[edit | edit source]

  • plot, setting, narrator, character, conflict, change, connection, reflection, language, and theme.

Journey of the hero[edit | edit source]

Jecon 11/27

12 Elements of the heros journey:

1. background, life as normal 2. the call 3. refusal of the call 4. discover a mentor 5. passing the threshhold (heading into the journey) 6. encounter allies and enemies 7. tests and challenges 8. the "innermost cave" (despair moment) 9. seizing the sword: facing the enemy head on 10. the ultimate ordeal 11. resurrection: hero brought back to life, literal o 12. Returning w/ the elixir >> going back to normal life see : Joesph Campbell's "The Power of Myth" > the monomyth of call to adventure, tests, and resurrection

Literary Criticism[edit | edit source]

George Orwell[edit | edit source]

  • Politics and the English Language
    • essay on honesty and clarity of language
    • argues against euphemisms and euphemistic language
    • online sources:

Sokal affair[edit | edit source]


Thomas C. Foster[edit | edit source]

  • How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines
    • Themes, advice, and quotations
      • "Fiction and poetry and drama are not necessarily playgrounds for the overly literal" (p. << to cite)
      • "No literary Christ figure can ever be as pure, as perfect, as divine as Jesus Christ. Here as elsewhere, one does well to remember that writing literature is an exercise of the imagination. And so is reading it."

to bring our imaginations to bear on a story if we are to see all its possibilities; otherwise it’s just about somebody who did something." (p. << to cite)