US History timeline & concept chart: 1789-1860 Early Republic to Antebellum: Difference between revisions

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1910-1920s Court Cases
“Incorporation” of the Bill of Rights into state law
Expanding federal jurisdiction over states - Supreme Court began to apply the protections of the Bill of Rights to state law
> process called “Incorporation”
> BOR originally applied only to federal government
> 14th amendment opened door to “incorporation”
> cases tended to be
>> freedom of speech, especially regarding protests during WWI
>> protections against illegal search and seizures
- Schenk v. US: socialist agitator arrested for violating Espionage Act of 1917 that prohibited “interference” w/ War effort
>> court ruled that some speech can be regulated if it endangers others (presents a “clear and present danger” such as “yelling fire in a crowded theatre”)
1920s Themes:
- return to normalcy after WWI
- economic boom
- consumerism / consumer loans
- technology spread, esp. autos, telephones, radio
- women’s expanding roles in economy, politics
- Great migration: black social & economic change
- Economic boom
- business oriented governance
> Republican presidents reduced income taxes but kept tariffs, including to enact the disastrous Smoot-Hawley tariff, which was “protectionist” or “protectionism”
> labor unions lost favor, growth of “welfare capitalism” under which businesses offered workers benefits in exchange for not forming unions or striking
- consumer culture:
> expansion of consumer credit fueled consumer purchases, esp:
> automobiles, appliances, radios, suburbs growth
> “labor saving devices” < freed women from many household tasks
- Jazz Age:
> flappers
> jazz
> “Lost Generation” writers: Hemingway, Fitzgerald, O’Neill
- Prohibition era
> bathtub gin (home-made alcohol)
> gangster era (Al Capone, rum runners)
- Stock market frenzy
> stock market crash, 1929
- restrictions on Immigration: Emergency Quota Act of 1924
- Scopes Monkey Trial: over teaching evolution
1929-32 Stock Market Crash of 1920
Leads to Great Depression
- Hoovervilles: shantytowns of unemployed, named for President Hoover
- Bonus Expeditionary Force (protest in DC by impoverished veterans)
- Dust Bowl
- New Deal
> “ABC” Agencies: created to respond to every aspect of life
> see FDR for more
> Workers Progress Administration (WPA): to put people to work, including artisans, artists, writers

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== 1930s: Hoover & (F) Roosevelt administrations
== 1930s: Hoover & (F) Roosevelt administrations ==

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