SAT Reading section historical timeline & themes
Historical timeline for SAT Reading section historical passages
- historical literacy can help students understand passage context and author purpose in historical passages
- students are NOT required to know the particular history, as questions are "evidence-based"
- but it helps to know the time period and/or historical times, people and perspectives
click EXPAND for an example from an SAT practice test of how historical knowledge can answer questions
- College Board practice test 10, 4hth passage, question 39:
- the passages are from 1898 & 1900 regarding the Spanish-American War, in which the U.S. fully engaged in imperialism and colonialism
- possible answers to question 39 are:
- College Board practice test 10, 4hth passage, question 39:
A) founding and history of the United States. B) vibrancy and diversity of American culture. C) worldwide history of struggles for independence. D) idealism that permeates many aspects of American society
- simply by knowing the perspective of 1898/1900, we can eliminate:
- x B) "diversity" = a modern not a c. 1900 political value or expression
- x C) "worldwide history" = a modern not a c. 1900 political value or expression (which would be concerned about American and not "worldwide" history)
- x D) "idealism that permeates" = a modern and not a c. 1900 perspective
- thus without looking at the text, we can eliminate down to the correct answer, A)