SAT Digital Reading and Writing Test quick start guide

From A+ Club Lesson Planner & Study Guide

Quick start guides for punctuation & grammar rules

Abbreviations[edit | edit source]

  • IC = independent clause
  • DC = dependent clause
  • Phr = phrase
  • S= subject (noun)
  • V = verb
  • O = object (noun)

Sentences quick start guide[edit | edit source]

  • A sentence is a grammatically correct, complete thought.
  • A sentence must:
    • contain a subject and verb
      • i.e. a finite verb
    • form a complete thought
  • types of sentences:
    • a simple sentence has a single independent clause
    • a compound sentence has two or more independent clauses (see below)
    • a complex sentence has an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses

Sentence core[edit | edit source]

  • the "core" of a sentence is its subject-verb
  • for the SAT, identify the "sentence core" in order to
    • comprehend the sentence
    • identify modifying, or non-essential, parts
    • correctly answer subject-verb match questions

Sentence parts[edit | edit source]

  • since a sentence consists of a subject + verb
    • we can divide a sentence into:


  • From there, additional information may be added using "modifiers"
    • modifiers add important information but are not essential to a grammatically complete sentence
      • in other words, modifiers are not grammatically essential to a sentence

Verbs quick start guide[edit | edit source]

  • verb
    • indicates an action, existence or occurrence
      • I do, I am, I went
      • I am, I feel = verbs!
        • (these are finite, linking verbs)
    • is the basis of a predicate
      • predicate = the action and its result/s, modifier/s or object/s
  • for the SAT, identify if a verb is finite or non-finite

Finite verb[edit | edit source]

  • has a subject
  • finite verbs form the core of a sentence or clause
  • "is" and "are" are finite verbs
    • = conjugation of the verb "to be", which is a linking verb
    • IDENTIFY them in a sentence, then match them to their subject
  • dependent clauses have finite verbs, so identify the subject-verb match in a dependent clause in order not to confuse it with the subject-verb match of the main or independent clause
    • ex. The thing I like most about her is her sunny attitude
      • S-V of main clause = Thing + is
      • S-V of relative clause = I + like

Non-finite verb[edit | edit source]

  • does not have a subject
  • non-finite verbs act as a noun (gerund), adjective (past or present participle) or infinitive ("to" form of a verb)
  • for the SAT, the most important non-finite verb is the present participle adjective
    • = the -ing form of a non-finite verb acting as an adjective
      • note that non-finite verbs acting as nouns, called gerunds, are also in the -ing form of the verb
    • present participles are used to add information to an independent clause
      • ex. Driving carefully, she made it home safely in the storm
        • = "She drove carefully in the storm. She made it home safely."
        • we can combine those two sentences into a more compact sentence by using the non-finite verb "driving"
      • note that participle phrases are attached to an independent clause by a comma and not a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)

Linking verb[edit | edit source]

  • a finite verb (has a subject) that "links" a noun or adjective (the complement) to the subject
  • ex. She is a doctor
    • "she" = subject
    • "is" = linking verb
  • linking verbs do not have objects
    • instead they have "subject complements"
    • in the sentence, She is a doctor
      • "doctor" = subject complement noun
      • "doctor" is not the object of the verb "is"
      • instead, the verb "is" links the complement noun "doctor" to the subject "she"
    • in the sentence, The patient feels sick
      • "sick" = subject complement adjective
      • "sick" is an adjective so it cannot be an object (which is a noun)
      • so, the verb "feels" links the complement adjective "sick" to the subject "patient"
  • for the SAT, note that
    • linking verbs have subjects
      • thus "is" and "are" are finite verbs with subjects to match to
    • linking verbs do not have objects
      • instead, they have "complements

Verb tense, conjugation and subject-verb matching quick start guide[edit | edit source]

  • "conjugation" means "to inflect" a verb according to the "person" of its subject
    • "inflection" = word ending changes
      • i.e., "go" >> "going", or "go" >> "goes"
    • "person" = the "voice" or "perspective" of the subject of a sentence
      • i.e., "I" = first person singular; "we" = first person plural, etc.

Person[edit | edit source]

Verbs: "person" of the subject
Person Singular Plural
First person I we
Second person you you (all)
Third person he / she / it they
singular noun

(ex. the lion roars)

plural noun

(ex. the lions roar)

Conjugation[edit | edit source]

  • matches subject and verb
    • or, the verb-ending matches the person of the subject
Conjugation: "to be"
singular plural
First person I am We are
Second person You are You (all) are
Third person He / She / It is They are

the SAT test will only ask students to select between third person singular ("it") and third person plural ("they")

Conjugation: "to go"
singular plural
First person I go We go
Second person You go You (all) go
Third person He / She / It goes They go

Tense[edit | edit source]

  • tense = verb forms that indicate time (when)
    • past, present, future
    • and sub-categories of them
  • for the SAT, know that the present perfect HAS and HAVE verb forms are PRESENT TENSE
Present Tense: third person singular and plural
Simple present Present Continuous Present Perfect
Singular It works It is working It has worked
It interacts It is interacting It has interacted
It does It is doing It has done*
Plural They work They are working They have worked
They interact They are interacting They have interacted
They do They are doing They have done.
Past Tense: third person singular and plural
Simple present Present Continuous Present Perfect
Singular It worked It was working It had worked
It interacted It was interacting It had interacted
It did* It was doing It had done*
Plural They worked They were working They had worked
They interacted They were interacting They had interacted
They did* They were doing They had done.*

* irregular

Punctuation quick start guide[edit | edit source]

periods .[edit | edit source]

  • periods separate sentences
  • periods do ONE thing =
  1. separate grammatically correct and complete thoughts that are distinct sentences

  • What PERIODS do & how to eliminate using the rule:


  • periods separate grammatically correct and complete thoughts that are distinct sentences
  • elimination:
    • if the sentence is grammatically or logically incomplete, the period is wrong
      • i.e., SUBJECT VERB and an object or subject complement if needed to make sense
  • if a period and a semicolon are both possible answers, they are both wrong
  • note that "interjection" (a quick remark or interruption) or "imperative" (a command) VERBS contain an implied SUBJECT
    • so they can create a complete sentence or independent clause:
    • ex.
      • "Go to the store." = "[you] Go to the store."
      • "Stop!" = "[you} Stop!"
    • for the SAT the imperative may come in the form of a command to the reader, such as:
      • "Take this idea, for example."
        • = "[you] Take this idea, for example." << as a sentence or independent clause

semicolons ;[edit | edit source]

  • combine independent clauses for comparison, contrast or some relation between them
    • as opposed to periods which completely separate the ideas/ thoughts
  • semicolons do (almost) ONE thing:
  1. combine ICs
  • note that semicolons can -- but rarely:
    • separate a list of IC's:
      • as in "IC; IC; IC; IC."
    • a semicolon may also be used as a "super comma" in order to emphasize separate elements in a list of common examples, usually following a colon:
      • as in, "IC: this; that; the other thing."
        • ex. "On our trip, we will visit tons of places: in Africa, Egypt & Morrocco; in Europe, Greece and Italy; and in Asia, Turkey"
        • the "super comma" does not have to follow a colon, so we could write:
          • "On our trip, we will visit tons of places, including in Africa, Egypt & Morrocco; in Europe, Greece and Italy; and in Asia, Turkey"
      • the "super comma" is rarely used in practice and on the SAT test (see May QAS 2022 Writing section question no. 35 )

  • What SEMICOLONS do & how to eliminate using the rule/s:


  1. combine two ICs
    • "School is boring; I should go anyway"= IC; IC
  • can also create a list of IC's (IC; IC; IC; IC.)
    • "School is boring; I already know that stuff; I should go anyway" = "IC; IC; IC
  • elimination:
    • must have IC or complete sentences & thoughts on both sides of the semicolon
      • i.e., if the two clauses on either side of the semicolon would not stand on their own as grammatically complete sentences and thoughts, the semicolon is incorrect
    • if a period and a semicolon are both possible answers, they are both wrong

commas ,[edit | edit source]

  • create pauses
  • commas do FIVE things:


  1. combine IC, DC, or DC, IC
    • or IC, Phr or Phr, IC
      • ex. "He ate fast, which upset his stomach" = IC, DC
      • ex. "After eating too fast, his stomach was upset" = Phr, IC
        • = prepositional phrase, independent clause
  2. combine ICs
    • but only with a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS), i.e., IC, and IC
    • ex.: "IC, and IC" or "IC, but IC"
      • "They played hard, and they won big" = IC, and IC
      • "They played hard, but they lost" = IC, but IC
  3. separate lists (subjects, verbs, objects)
    • ex.: S, S and S V, V O, O and O
  4. act parenthetically
    • ", .... ," (like these parentheses)
      • The movie, which was about Ancient Rome, was very informative" = S, .... , V
  5. introduce a direct quotation
    • ex. "The judge declared, "Guilty!"
  • elimination:
    • commas can only separate a S-V or V-O if acting parenthetically (see below for examples)
    • commas can NOT combine two ICs without a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)
    • 1 or more commas can separate multiple subjects, verbs or objects from one another (called "compound" subjects, verbs, objects)
      • "Joey, Joella and Josephina jumped for joy"
        • = a single comma between the subject "Joey" and its verb "jumped" because the comma creates a list and not a grammatical separation of the subject and verb

colons :[edit | edit source]

  • distinguish additional information following an IC, usually a list, explanation, or example to clarify or extend the idea presented in the IC
  • colons = do ONE thing:
  1. extend or provide examples in support of a prior IC
    • i.e., a colon MUST be preceded by an IC
    • i.e., colons follow a complete statement with an extended idea or example/s
      • The prosecutor presented the evidence: a fingerprint, the weapon, and a written confession"
        • = IC: list
    • just about any grammatical form can follow a colon, including
      • an IC, phrase, exclamation, multiple ICs with semicolons or coordinating conjunctions
      • a direct quotation (if that quotation is a complete sentence and if the colon is preceded by an IC
      • exceptions arenthat colons are not followed by
        • another colon
        • a dependent clause that modifies the independent clause prior to the colon
  • colons DO NOT:
    • follow a dependent clause
    • interrupt a clause or requisite (essential, required) or connected elements in a sentence
      • ex., "I went to the store: because I needed some supplies"
        • the colon here interrupts the connection between "I went to the store" and the reason why, "because..."
      • or "She knew: that it was the right thing to do"
        • the colon here interrupts the requisite relative pronoun "that" and the clause it creates
      • or "They have two ideas: which are both innovative"
        • "which" creates a DC that modifies the IC prior to the colon, so it cannot be separated from that IC by a colon
          • (a comma separating the IC and DC is okay)
    • have multiple colons in a sentence

  • What COLONS do & how to eliminate using the rule/s:


  1. extend or provide examples following an IC
  • what follows the colon can be in any grammatical form (IC, DC, phrase)
    • except a conjunction (as in : I bought shoes: and some socks (= incorrect)
    • or a required (requisite) phrase or clause ("I bought shoes: that fit" = incorrect)
    • colons are usually followed by a list or an example
    • a colon may set up a direct quotation, such as:
      • The lawyer claimed the accusation was wrong: "He's innocent!" = IC: IC
  • elimination:
    • if NOT preceded by an IC, eliminate the colon
    • if another possible answer is a dash that is acting like a colon, then both cannot be correct, so eliminate

dashes --[edit | edit source]

  • separate ideas within a sentence, either parenthetically or like a colon
  • dashes do TWO things:
  1. act like a colon
  2. act like parentheses (...) = -...-

  • What DASHES do & how to eliminate using the rule/s:


  1. act like a colon
    • ex. "She left stuff behind -- a plastic ring, a cheap phone, and a pencil" = IC -- list
    • the dash is often used for emphasis (as opposed to a colon, which adds information)
  2. act like parentheses (...) = -...-
    • The stuff that she left behind -- a plastic ring, a cheap phone, and a pencil -- wasn't that expensive"
  • elimination:
    • if there is NOT another dash in the sentence, then the dash is NOT acting parenthetically (...)
    • if not acting like parentheses, and there is NOT an IC preceding the dash, eliminate
    • if another possible answer is a colon and the dash is not acting like a parentheses, then both cannot be correct

Apostrophes quick start guide[edit | edit source]

  • apostrophes do two things:
    • create contractions ("it's" from "it is" or "can't" from "can not")
    • show possession
      • nouns possess nouns and nouns can only possess nouns (not verbs)
      • punctuation can NOT separate the possessor noun from the possessed noun
      • adjectives may separate the two nouns, as in "The cowboy's fast horse"
    • possessive apostrophes singular v plural:
      • 's for singular nouns ("that dog's toys") and s' for plural nouns ("those dogs' toys")
  • elimination:
    • if punctuation or a verb follow the possessor noun, eliminate (see examples below)
  • note: use of an apostrophe to create a contraction with a noun and the verb, "to be" is informal and not measured on the SAT
    • ex., "winning's good" for "winning is good" is informal

Conjunctions quick start guide[edit | edit source]

  • conjunctions combine words, phrases, and clauses
    • coordinating conjunction (CJ)
      • combines ICs (FANBOYS)
        • I was hungry, so I bought a burger
  • note: the word however is NOT a conjunction,
    • therefore it must be combined with another CJ or a semicolon if combining two ICs
    • subordinating conjunction (SJ)
      • = turns an IC into a DC by requiring additional ideas to complete the thought of the clause
      • ex. "I was hungry, so I bought a burger" = two IC w/ a CC
      • whereas, if we use the CS "since" = Since I was hungry, I bought a burger"
        • = DC, IC ("Since I was hungry is not a complete thought, therefore it is a DC, or subordinate clause)
  • requisite or necessary clause or phrase (Phr)
    • usually, when the SC follows the IC, there is not a comma
    • the subordinating conjunction becames a relative conjunction
      • We couldn't play when it rained
    • just as SV or SVO are not separated by punctuation (because they are necessary or required of each other to make sense):
      • some clauses and phrases are requisite or necessary to complete a thought, which means they are not separated from the main clause by punctuation
      • ex. "I bought the shoes that were on sale" << "that were on sale" is necessary to the idea that "I bought" particular shoes
    • see "Relative clause" below for more on essential and non-essential sentence elements

Prepositions / Prepositional Phrases quick start guide[edit | edit source]

  • prepositions
    • include about, by, from, near, of, on , etc.
  • prepositions create a relationship between nouns
    • the nouns or other words that follow the preposition are called a "prepositional phrase" ("about something I once knew")
  • prepositional phrases establish a relationship with a noun or as part of a subject-verb clause:
    • ex. adding information to a subject noun: "The ideas of the professor are novel."
    • ex. adding information to a subject-verb: "The professor was educated at Yale."
  • for the SAT, only prepositions that come before the verb matter
  • the noun in prepositional phrases are NEVER the subject of a sentence
    • elimination:
      • for subject-verb matching, the preposition/ prepositional phrase is NOT the subject
        • ex. "Books about sailing are fun" and not "Books about sailing is fun"
          • "about" = a preposition, so "sailing" is not the subject and the verb is therefore matched to the plural "books"

Restrictive elements quick start guide[edit | edit source]

  • a "restrictive" element is a sentence part that is not separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma or other punctuation
  • restrictive elements include:
    • subject - verb - object (or subject complement)
      • are not separated from one another by punctuation
        • S V O
          • cannot be separated from one another by punctuation, ex.:
          • SoHo, is fun to say, and to visit << incorrect
          • SoHo is fun to say and to visit << correct
        • but could be separated by a parenthetical phrase or clause:
          • SoHo, a neighborhood in New York, is fun to say and to visit
          • SoHo, which is fun to say, is fun to visit
    • adjectives and adverbs
      • are not separated from the noun or verb they modify by punctuation
        • That is one big, elephant! << incorrect
        • That is one big, elephant! << correct
      • exception: could be a list of coordinate adjectives that are separated by a comma:
        • That is one big, angry elephant!
      • or, could be separated by a parenthetical element:
        • That is one big -- and I mean big! -- elephant
    • possessive nouns
      • are not separated from the noun they possess by punctuation
        • That bird flew right by my friend's, head << incorrect
        • That bird flew right by my friend's head << correct
      • exception: could be part of a list of adjective:
        • That bird flew right by my friend's big, old head
      • note: see rules below for possessives
    • prepositional phrases
      • are not separated from the noun or verb they modify
        • The book, on that table is interesting << incorrect
        • The book on that table is very interesting << correct
    • relative clauses beginning with "that"
      • note that some "restrictive relative clauses" may also begin with the relative pronouns, which, who, whose, etc.
      • but relative clauses starting with "that" are always restrictive and thus are not separated from the word or sentence part they modify by punctuation
  • EXCEPTION: parenthetical elements
    • only parenthetical elements with a pair of parentheses, commas or dashes may separate restrictive elements
    • the reason is that parenthetical elements are ungrammatical -- they exist OUTSIDE of the grammatical construction of a sentence
      • thus they can intrude upon a sentence
      • but they ALWAYS have paired punctuation, commas, dashes or parentheses, that isolate them from the rest of the sentence