AP US History vocabulary list: Difference between revisions

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== Antebellum period ==
== Antebellum period ==
* cotton gin
* land speculation

=== Jacksonian period ===
=== Jacksonian period ===
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* Jacksonian democracy
* Jacksonian democracy
* Indian Removal Act
* Indian Removal Act
* Nat Turner Rebellion (1831)
* Nullification Crisis
* Nullification Crisis
* Petticoat affair
* Petticoat affair
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===Social reform ===
===Social reform ===
* cult of domesticity
* American Anti-Slavery Society
* cult of domesticity
* Declaration of Sentiments
* Declaration of Sentiments
* Frederic Douglas
* Frederic Douglas
* emancipation
* emancipation
* Philadelphia Women's Anti-Slavery Convention

* Ralph Waldo Emerson
* Ralph Waldo Emerson
* Second Great Awakening
* Second Great Awakening
* Seneca Falls Convention
* Seneca Falls Convention
* Sojouner Truth
* Elizabeth Cady Stanton
* suffrage
* suffrage
* Temperance movement
* Henry David Thoreaux
* transcendentalism
* transcendentalism
* Uncle Tom’s Cabin
* Uncle Tom’s Cabin
* Underground Railroad
* Underground Railroad
* Walden Pond
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* Compromise of 1850
* Compromise of 1850
* Jefferson Davis
* Jefferson Davis
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Dred Scott decision|1857 written by Chief Justice Roger Taney of Maryland, the decision held that Scott, a slave who sued for freedom when his owner took him from the slave state Missouri to Illinois; Taney ruled that blacks are not citizens and thereby have no constitutional protections; the decision also invalidated the Missouri Compromise, stating that it violated slave owners' property rights; the Taney Court thought the ruling would settle the problem of slavery, but it instead inflamed it}}</ul></li>
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Dred Scott decision|1857 written by Chief Justice Roger Taney of Maryland, the decision held that Scott, a slave who sued for freedom when his owner took him from the slave state Missouri to Illinois; Taney ruled that blacks are not citizens and thereby have no constitutional protections; the decision also invalidated the Missouri Compromise, stating that it violated slave owners' property rights; the Taney Court thought the ruling would settle the problem of slavery, but it instead inflamed it}}</ul>
* Gadsden Purchase
* Gadsden Purchase
* Gold Rush of 1849
* Gold Rush of 1849
* Henry Clay
* Henry Clay
* John Brown
* Kansas-Nebraska Act
* Kansas-Nebraska Act
* Know Nothings
* Know Nothings
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* 1860 Election
* 1860 Election
* Anaconda Plan
* Anaconda Plan
* Antietam
* Appomattox
* Appomattox
* Confederacy
* Emancipation Proclamation
* Emancipation Proclamation
* Ft. Sumter
* Ft. Sumter
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* Vicksburg
* Vicksburg
* U.S. Grant
* U.S. Grant
* Union
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=== Post-Reconstruction ===
=== Post-Reconstruction ===
<div style="column-count:2">
* Susan B. Anthony
* National Suffrage Movement
* Women's Christian Temperance Union<div style="column-count:2">
=== Economic & Political ===
=== Economic & Political ===
* Andrew Carnegie
* Andrew Carnegie
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* social Darwinism
* social Darwinism
* soft money
* soft money
* specie
* Standard Oil
* Standard Oil
* transcontinental railroad
* transcontinental railroad