US History timeline & concept chart: 10th-16th centuries pre-colonial Native Americans to early North American colonization (Spanish, French, Dutch): Difference between revisions

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== Spanish colonization in North America ==
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|+ '''Pre-Columbian & post-Columbian overview'''
|+ '''Spanish colonization in North America'''
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* 1540 Spanish entry to “Pueblo” territories (southwest: NM, AZ)
* 1565 First North Amer. east coast colony (St. Augustine, FL)
* 1598 Spanish invasion of Pueblo lands
* 1680 Pueblo Revolt
|| '''BIG IDEAS'''
|| '''BIG IDEAS'''
* '''Encomienda''': labor / land for conquistadors
** = abusive of Indians
* '''De Las Casas''': Spanish priest wrote about cruelties v. Indians
* Sepulveda: Spanish humanist philosopher justified enslavement of Indians
* '''New Laws''': Spanish reforms for better treatment of Indians
* '''Pueblo Revolt''': Rebellion by Indians over maltreatment; led to New Laws reforms
* '''Asiento''': deal for slave trade between Spanish and & nations (“assent")
| cell style="width:60%"|'''Notes & connections: details of issues, concepts, themes & events'''
| cell style="width:60%"|'''Notes & connections: details of issues, concepts, themes & events'''
* Spanish extraction & agriculture: need for labor
* Spanish goal to convert natives to Christianity
* Spanish abuses & reforms after native revolts & priestly criticism
* Development of slave trade
* '''Encomienda''', 1490s-1542
** from Spanish ''encomendar'' “to entrust”
** land & labor grant to Spanish conquerors
** ''encomendero'' = holder of the land/labor grant
** were slave-labor mines or plantations for non-Christians
** Used across Spanish empire, in Morocco, Philippines, Americas
** Rewarded conquistadores w/ encomiendas, so incentive to conquer
** Designed to convert natives
** Abolished 1542, ended slave labor but made natives Spanish subjects
** Replaced by “'''repartimiento'''” system (“reparto” for “distribution” of workers) which regulated forced labor, technically no longer slavery, had some pay but not always, still forced, required native communities to contribute workers as a form of as tribute to Spanish king
* '''Bartolomé de las Casas'''
** Dominican priest/friar:
** In 1542: wrote about Spanish abuses in “A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” 
** Used accounts of Antonio de Montesinos who had denounced cruelty in 1511 sermon
** >> led to “Black Legend” = series of anti-Spanish/ anti-Catholic propaganda, used as political weapons to denounce Spain, full of exaggerations and lies
* '''Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda''', 1489-1574
** Spanish humanist philosopher, proponent of Spanish conquest of Indians
** Was a court advisor to Spanish King
** Wrote “On Just Causes for War Against the Indians” (1544)
** Justified slavery of Indians based on Aristotelian (Aristotle) logic as inferior to Spaniards
** Saw natives as pre-civilization, no rights, no property, no laws
** Opposed Las Casas who wanted better treatment of Indians
* Source:
* '''New Laws/Laws of 1542'''
** Preceded by Laws of Burgos of 1512, which were supposed to protect Natives, but were ignored
** Issued by Spanish King (also Holy Roman Emperor Charles V)
** Reforms, following Pueblo Revolt
** Ended encomienda system
** Outlawed hereditary rule of encomiendas
** Revolt by encomederos leaders, killed Spanish Viceroy of Peru who enforced the New Laws
** Set more direct rule by Spanish king
** enforced prior policies and forced the issue of ending encomienda system
* '''Pueblo Revolt''' (1680)
** Pueblo was Spanish term for Indian settlements in modern NM and AZ
** Prior Spanish treatment of native Indians  “Acoma Massacre,” retaliation for a small revolt; Spanish cut off a foot of all men over 25
** Into 1600s, Spanish control, outlawed Indian religious practices, forced conversion to Christianity, required tribute via corn and textiles
** 1670s: drought, reduced agricultural output, attacks by Apaches, destabilization; Spanish clamped down, tried to contain discontent; persecuted Indian medicine men, including '''Papé''', who was released after Pueblo objections
** 1680, Papé (also Popay) led revolt, killed 400 Spanish, pushed out Spanish
** Protest over resentment over Spanish policies, enforced Christianity, forced labor, cattle management, mining
** Papé led campaign to remove Spanish/Christian influence
* 1692 Spanish put down revolt (100s killed), but led to end of forced labor and religion
* '''Asiento''', 1500s-1700s
** = “Asiento de Negros”
** Asiento = “contract”
** = agreement between Britain and Spain to set agreements for slave trade between Africa and Spanish colonies in Americas
** was source or revenue for Spanish crown
** Spain used the ''asiento'' to give or take back rights to slave trade to its colonies
* '''Reciprocity'''
** Native American concept of sharing of land, resources, and labor
** Was part of cultural misunderstanding between European and native populations over land and object ownership
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Revision as of 18:30, 5 May 2021

US History timeline & concept chart: early North American colonization

See also: US History timeline & concept chart: early North American colonization AP United States History

    • article under construction

section & table structure:

section heading[edit | edit source]

Pre-Columbian & post-Columbian overview
Notes & connections: details of issues, concepts, themes & events

Pre-Columbian indigenous peoples overview[edit | edit source]

Pre-Columbian indigenous peoples overview
  • Pre-Columbian: before 1492
  • Native American linguistic and cultural areas
  • Tribal alliances
  • Mound builders
Notes & connections: details of issues, concepts, themes & events
  • Native North American linguistic areas
Pre-contact: distribution of North American language families, including northern Mexico (wikipedia)
    • Northeast
      • Algonquian
      • Iroquoian
    • Southeast and Gulf region
      • Southeastern woodlands
    • Midwest
      • Plains Linguistic Ara
    • Pueblo
    • Western
      • Northern California
      • Northwest Coast
      • Pacific Northwest
      • Plateau
  • sources

Age of Exploration and Columbian Exchange[edit | edit source]

Age of Exploration and Columbus Exchange
  • 1492 Columbus lands in Americas
  • Background:
    • Collapse of Byzantium, 1453 (Christian) to Ottomans (Muslim)
    • Italian merchants cut off from previous trade networks
    • Christian conquest of Spain and Spanish Inquisition
  • European motives:
    • trade, religion, political competition
    • primary motive = direct access to South and East Asian markets
Notes & connections: details of issues, concepts, themes & events
  • * Christopher Columbus was convinced he could reach China and India via a westward trajectory across the Atlantic Ocean
  • Spain finally agreed to sponsor Columbus only after the Portuguese discovered a viable route to India circumnavigating Africa
  • The Portuguese figured out the Atlantic rout after developing the “volta da mar”, a circular route following winds and currents to and from Portugal that led Portuguese boats further west, leading to their discoveries of the Canary Islands, the Azores, and, eventually, Brazil.
  • For this reason, Brazil became a Portuguese colony and today Portuguese is the national language
  • Spanish discovery of the Americas was ultimately realized by America Vespucci for whom the “Americas” is named, a Florentine explorer who recognized that Columbus had not reached the islands east of India and China (the “the Indies”) and had instead discovered a new continent (thus “West Indies” for Caribbean islands and the term “Indian” for the indigenous peoples of the Americas).
  • Soon after news of Columbus’ expeditions the British organized an exploration headed by John Cabot (a Venetian, Italy, navigator) who in 1497 became the first European to explore the North American coast
  • It is possible that Columbus had, prior to his 1492 expedition, visited Iceland, Greenland or, possibly, Canada in 1477, as he is thought to have visited Bristol, England, which maintained trade with Iceland.
  • Cabot sailed from Bristol, so he used the knowledge of Bristol mariners for his attempt to by-pass the Americas and find a western route to Asia
  • Cabot’s explorations laid the basis for subsequent British and French competition for control of modern Canada, especially Newfoundland, Quebec and the Great Lakes regions.
  • In 1523, the Florentine (Italy) navigator, Giovanni de Verrazzano led an expedition on behalf of France to find a westward Atlantic route to India. Verrazzano explored the North American coast from the Carolines to modern-day New York. The “Verrazzano Bridge” in New York City is named in his honor.
  • In 1534, Jacques Cartier led the first French expedition to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence River. Subsequent French expeditions further explored the St. Lawrence River waterways and established trade relations with Native Americans, especially the Iroquois.

Protestant Reformation & religious conflict[edit | edit source]

Protestant Reformation & Religious Wars
  • 1517 Protestant Reformation
  • 1527 Henry VIII separates from Catholic Church
  • see also:
    • English Civil War, 1642–1651
    • see also Thirty Years' War, 1618–1648
  • Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation
  • Religious conflict & persecution as push factor on migration to colonial America
Notes & connections: details of issues, concepts, themes & events
  • Protestant Reformation propels European nationalism
  • Henry VIII’s break from Catholic Church ensures English-Spanish competition / wars
  • Leads to English Civil War (1642-1651) that spills over to colonies
  • American colonial anti-Catholicism drives colonial identity and serves as catalyst for American Revolution following British take-over of French-Canadian Catholic provinces in Canada
  • Protestant objections to centralized Church of England doctrine leads to the splinter religious movement known generally as Puritans and their offshoots, including the Brownists, (from which the Pilgrims arose), Quakers, Levelers, Anabaptists, etc.

Spanish colonization in North America[edit | edit source]

Spanish colonization in North America
  • 1540 Spanish entry to “Pueblo” territories (southwest: NM, AZ)
  • 1565 First North Amer. east coast colony (St. Augustine, FL)
  • 1598 Spanish invasion of Pueblo lands
  • 1680 Pueblo Revolt
  • Encomienda: labor / land for conquistadors
    • = abusive of Indians
  • De Las Casas: Spanish priest wrote about cruelties v. Indians
  • Sepulveda: Spanish humanist philosopher justified enslavement of Indians
  • New Laws: Spanish reforms for better treatment of Indians
  • Pueblo Revolt: Rebellion by Indians over maltreatment; led to New Laws reforms
  • Asiento: deal for slave trade between Spanish and & nations (“assent")
Notes & connections: details of issues, concepts, themes & events


  • Spanish extraction & agriculture: need for labor
  • Spanish goal to convert natives to Christianity
  • Spanish abuses & reforms after native revolts & priestly criticism
  • Development of slave trade
  • Encomienda, 1490s-1542
    • from Spanish encomendar “to entrust”
    • land & labor grant to Spanish conquerors
    • encomendero = holder of the land/labor grant
    • were slave-labor mines or plantations for non-Christians
    • Used across Spanish empire, in Morocco, Philippines, Americas
    • Rewarded conquistadores w/ encomiendas, so incentive to conquer
    • Designed to convert natives
    • Abolished 1542, ended slave labor but made natives Spanish subjects
    • Replaced by “repartimiento” system (“reparto” for “distribution” of workers) which regulated forced labor, technically no longer slavery, had some pay but not always, still forced, required native communities to contribute workers as a form of as tribute to Spanish king
  • Bartolomé de las Casas
    • Dominican priest/friar:
    • In 1542: wrote about Spanish abuses in “A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies”
    • Used accounts of Antonio de Montesinos who had denounced cruelty in 1511 sermon
    • >> led to “Black Legend” = series of anti-Spanish/ anti-Catholic propaganda, used as political weapons to denounce Spain, full of exaggerations and lies
  • Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, 1489-1574
    • Spanish humanist philosopher, proponent of Spanish conquest of Indians
    • Was a court advisor to Spanish King
    • Wrote “On Just Causes for War Against the Indians” (1544)
    • Justified slavery of Indians based on Aristotelian (Aristotle) logic as inferior to Spaniards
    • Saw natives as pre-civilization, no rights, no property, no laws
    • Opposed Las Casas who wanted better treatment of Indians
  • Source:
  • New Laws/Laws of 1542
    • Preceded by Laws of Burgos of 1512, which were supposed to protect Natives, but were ignored
    • Issued by Spanish King (also Holy Roman Emperor Charles V)
    • Reforms, following Pueblo Revolt
    • Ended encomienda system
    • Outlawed hereditary rule of encomiendas
    • Revolt by encomederos leaders, killed Spanish Viceroy of Peru who enforced the New Laws
    • Set more direct rule by Spanish king
    • enforced prior policies and forced the issue of ending encomienda system
  • Pueblo Revolt (1680)
    • Pueblo was Spanish term for Indian settlements in modern NM and AZ
    • Prior Spanish treatment of native Indians “Acoma Massacre,” retaliation for a small revolt; Spanish cut off a foot of all men over 25
    • Into 1600s, Spanish control, outlawed Indian religious practices, forced conversion to Christianity, required tribute via corn and textiles
    • 1670s: drought, reduced agricultural output, attacks by Apaches, destabilization; Spanish clamped down, tried to contain discontent; persecuted Indian medicine men, including Papé, who was released after Pueblo objections
    • 1680, Papé (also Popay) led revolt, killed 400 Spanish, pushed out Spanish
    • Protest over resentment over Spanish policies, enforced Christianity, forced labor, cattle management, mining
    • Papé led campaign to remove Spanish/Christian influence
  • 1692 Spanish put down revolt (100s killed), but led to end of forced labor and religion
  • Asiento, 1500s-1700s
    • = “Asiento de Negros”
    • Asiento = “contract”
    • = agreement between Britain and Spain to set agreements for slave trade between Africa and Spanish colonies in Americas
    • was source or revenue for Spanish crown
    • Spain used the asiento to give or take back rights to slave trade to its colonies
  • Reciprocity
    • Native American concept of sharing of land, resources, and labor
    • Was part of cultural misunderstanding between European and native populations over land and object ownership

section heading[edit | edit source]

Pre-Columbian & post-Columbian overview
Notes & connections: details of issues, concepts, themes & events