US History timeline & concept chart: 1789-1860 Early Republic to Antebellum: Difference between revisions

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'''US History timeline & concept chart: U.S. History Decade-by-decade timeline, 1890s-1900'''
'''U.S. History timeline & concept chart: 1790s-1860'''

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** easily find relevant details for larger comprehension

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== 1790s Washington & Adams administrations ==
== 1790s Washington & Adams administrations ==
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== 1860s: Lincoln * Johnson administrations ==
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Election of 1860
Republican Party
Southern secession
Civil War
Lincoln war measures (shutting down press, draft, keeping the border states)
Border states = key to Lincoln strategy
Gettysburg Address:
giving the War meaning:
- self-government
- freedom
Civil War economic impact
North wins in war and economics
Southern economy in ruins
Republican policies enacted
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=== Election of 1860 ===
Lincoln position on slavery: no expansion but left where it was
>> but argued against slavery as unethical
= argues against slavery but not its abolition
  >> Southerners and northern abolitions don’t like Lincoln
  >> southerners assume he is against slavery
>> abolitionists assume he is no strong on the issue
- 4-way split election:
> Democratic party split between north (Douglas) Southern candidates (Breckenridge)
> the 4th candidate was a border-state, pro-Union, pro-slavery but anti-spread of slavery former Democrat, John Bell, who carried border states and Virginia
> Lincoln won w/ mostly northern votes which gave him Electoral College majority
  = clear winner
> South Carolina secedes, followed by others up to March 1861 when Lincoln took office
=== Civil War: Lincoln's policies ===
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Lincoln position on slavery: no expansion but left where it was
>> but argued against slavery as unethical
= argues against slavery but not its abolition
  >> Southerners and northern abolitions don’t like Lincoln
  >> southerners assume he is against slavery
>> abolitionists assume he is no strong on the issue
- 4-way split election:
> Democratic party split between north (Douglas) Southern candidates (Breckenridge)
> the 4th candidate was a border-state, pro-Union, pro-slavery but anti-spread of slavery former Democrat, John Bell, who carried border states and Virginia
> Lincoln won w/ mostly northern votes which gave him Electoral College majority
  = clear winner
> South Carolina secedes, followed by others up to March 1861 when Lincoln took office
Lincoln positions during war
- does not recognize secession
- U.S. Gov will defend its properties
> Ft. Sumter = 1st battle of the war, off coast of Charleston, SC
- War is about UNION
Meaning of the War
- to Southerners:
> felt they were defending Constitutional rights
> considered the North the aggressors
- to Northerners
> many but not all were anti-slavery
> to save the Union
>> the question for Union: can a people rule themselves? (self-government)
>> Europeans looked upon Civil War as demonstration that democracy can’t work
Both sides started with enthusiasm for war and expectation that it would be short
- Lincoln’s position was originally that slavery should not be expanded
> but during the war, he used the issue as a wartime measure
> he did not ban slavery in loyal border states
  >> to keep them loyal to the Union
> Emancipation Proclamation was huge diplomatic victory, as it made the conflict about slavery, so Europeans could not support the South
  = Lincoln ended up using slavery as an issue to give purpose to the war
Important Battles:
- Antietam, 1862 = Union victory, gave Lincoln excuse to launch the Emancipation Proclamation (1862)
> freed slaves in states under rebellion
>> he previously abolished slavery in federal territories, including DC
- Gettysburg, 1863
> along with losing control of the Mississippi River, Gettysburg ended the southern chances to win the war
> Lincoln used battlefield for Gettysburg Address, needed a big victory for impact
- Lincoln moves the meaning of the war from just preserving the union and self-government to equality and ending slavery (liberty) in Gettysburg Address
Why north wins?
- bigger population, bigger army
- industrial base
- strategies >> Annaconda strategy << to isolate the south by controlling the coasts and Mississippi River (accomplished by Jul 1863)
- many Democrats in north are anti-war (Esp. immigrant areas, NYC riots)
>>critical of Lincoln’s wartime measures to block bad press
Radical Republicans – block of senators who are strongly anti-slavery
  > criticize Lincoln for not doing enough
- south destroyed
- industrialization in north 
  < ex,. Andrew Carnegie steel industry titan, gained fortune in Civil War
- railroads expand:
  > transcontinental railroad
> the country is more connected
(markets, politics, economics)
- urbanization
- presidential powers enhanced
> esp via enforcement of Constitutional Amendments and Civil Rights Laws
- with the South in rebellion, the Northern states could enact legislation they had been unable to pass otherwise, including:
- Transcontinental Railroad via the northern route (Pacific Railroad Act, 1862)
- Homestead Act (1862) that gave 160 acres to “homesteaders” who agreed to stay on the land for 5 years (ie, not sell it)
>> Morrill Land-Grant Act was part of this legislation: gave proceeds of federal land sales to states for building of state colleges
- Confiscation Acts, which allowed for taking property of anyone in rebellion and freeing their slaves
- Freedman’s bureau: to lease lands to freed slaves
13. Outlawed slavery
14.  a. Citizenship for former slaves
        b. Protect “privileges & immunities” and “due process”
        c. Equal Protection for all citizens
15. Voting rights for black men
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== 1870s Grant & Hayes administrations ==
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Northern occupation of South
How to bring South back into union while protecting rights of freedmen?
= northern army occupation of the South enforce Civil War outcomes
= to enforce the amendments and civil right laws
= to bring the south back into the union
>> Lincoln’s 2nd inaugural address >>> goal is to end war and heal wounds
  Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South
Compromise of 1877 - 1876 election disputed, sent to House for decision
- deal cut to elect Hayes in exchange for removing federal troops from south, effectively ending Reconstruction
End of Reconstruction - Segregation imposed by whites
> “Jim Crow” laws restricted blacks’ rights
- Klu Klux Klan gained power and intimidated blacks
- sharecropping system grows:
> poor farmers, black and white, had to pay rent to farm land and loaned money for seeds and tools at high rates
>> indebted them to the landowners
- Plessy v. Ferguson, 1883
> court case that created “separate but equal” rule that legalized segregation (until 1950s, when overturned by Brown v. Board of Education, 1954)
> overturned Civil Rights Act of 1875 that prohibited discrimination in public businesses and facilities
Western frontier
Indian Wars
Railroads connect to the West
Immigration drives urban growth
Political Machines in northern cities
Growth of cites, especially New York
- rail and trolly networks lead to and through cities = growth
- immigration explodes: pay better in the U.S. than home countries
> chain migration leads to ethnic neighborhoods
> “tenements” = multi-family housing
> immigrants compete with blacks for labor
- “factory towns” > poor living conditions, reliance on the factories
- Political bosses used immigrants for votes to control city governments
> “political machines”
> bosses provided services to residents in exchange for political support
> “Boss Tweed” = corrupt NYC mayor, 1870s, finally jailed in 1878
>> Thomas Nast drew cartoons criticized Tweed & corruption
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== 1880s  .> administrations ==
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== 1870s-1890s concepts, themes & trends ==
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=== close of the frontier & Indian wars ===
- By 1890, ND, SK, WA, MT were states
- Little Bighorn: Sioux tribes opposed western settlements; US Army sent to oppose them, leading to battle of Little Bighorn, which marked the end of Indian resistance to U.S. western expansion
- Ghost Dance movement 1890: Indian revivalist movement that preached liberation of Indians from US occupation
- Wounded Knee: battle between Federal troops and Indians, many from the Ghost Dance movement, massacre of the Indians who resisted
- railroads had connected the West to the East
> “standardized time” adopted to manage rail schedules, leading to time zones
- Note: Turner Frontier Thesis: a 20th century historian claimed that the “closing” of the frontier, i.e. filling up the country, changed America because the frontier had allowed the country to grow, promoted democracy and gave opportunity to people moving west; and that the “closing” of the frontier reduced those aspects
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Gilded Age
Monopolies /
- railroads, trolleys, electricity, telegraphs, etc. spread across country
> railroads are “natural monopolies” because they control the railroad they built
  >> also, railroads require government support to take land to build
  >>> resentment over rail construction
  >>> resentment over rail prices along routes, especially to move farm products
- rapid economic growth leads to creation of big companies
  > Andrew Carnegie, steel, John Rockefeller, oil, etc.
  > “holding companies” buy multiple companies to control an industry
  >> monopolies = “horizontal integration” = controlling an industry
    >>> versus “vertical integration” = controlling all aspects of a business (raw materials, supply chains, manufacture, sale)
-Sherman Anti-Trust Law of 1890 passed to outlaw monopolies
> made illegal actions “in restraint of trade” , especially “combinations” (holding companies, conglomerates)
- “mass production” and “assembly line” production = mechanized, automated factories with thousands of workers
- “Social Darwinism” = competition will lead to the survival of the fittest companies
- “laissez faire”= “let it be” = let markets run themselves
- “Gilded Age” = named by Mark Twain as time of huge wealth and ridiculous displays of the wealth (“gilded”)
- “Gospel of wealth” = Andrew Carnegie theory that in exchange for wealth created by markets, the rich should give back to society via philanthropy
>> Carnegie built libraries across the country
Labor movements
Rights of workers
Strikes (and legality of them)
- Knights of Labor, started 1869, to organized urban factory workers and demand better working conditions, pay, and prohibition on child labor (under age 14)
- Haymarket Square Riot, 1886: labor activists set off bomb that killed police, turned popular support against labor
- Homestead Strike, 1892, steel factory strike put down by private army that killed several strikers
> Pinkerton Detectives: hired by factory owners to put down strikes, protect strike-breakers (“scabs”)
- Pullman Palace Car Factory strike, 1894: first national strike, when one strike was joined by others and rail travel was shut down
- Labor movements split between:
> socialists, led by Eugene Debs, who wanted to overthrow capitalism
> trade unions, especially American Federation of Labor (AFL), led by Samuel Gompers, who denounced revolution and sought to negotiate with industry to raise wages and better work conditions
>> AFL restricted union membership to white men, mostly, excluding blacks and many immigrants
Populist Movements
What about the little guy?
Hard v. Soft Money
Gold v. Silver
Small famers want to pay debts in silver
Wm J. Bryan: “Cross of Gold Speech” - as the national economy become more interconnected, railroads, markets, grain prices, etc. become local issues dependent upon national systems
> as result, local interests organized into movements to defend the interests of farmers, especially, versus the railroads and industrial companies
> key was debt: farmers wanted “soft money” (silver) debt instead of “hard money” debt (gold)
- Silver arose as an issue because of huge mines discovered that led to flood of silver into the markets, inflating the price of silver (thus soft money) versus gold, which was more scarce and kept its value
- Grange Movement, starting 1867, grew as “cooperatives” and political candidates to represent the interest of farmers
- Farmer’s Alliances: grew out of Grange and extended more into politics
- People’s Party: grew out of the Farmer’s alliances into a full political party
> movement made up of small farmers mostly from the Midwest
> 1892 election: Omaha platform called for silver money, government takeover of railroads and telegraphs, income tax, labor reform
- Socialists party arose I n1894, but was less influential
> leader was Eugene Debs
- William Jennings Bryan became Democratic party candidate in 1896, 1900 and 1908, largely by adopting the platform of the Grange/People’s party
>> Bryan: “Cross of gold” speech became famous argument for “soft money, ie silver
>> 1890s: silver mines in CO & NV
Reform movements
Women’s rights
Urban reform
Workplace reform
Child Labor reform
- urban reformers, including:
> Jane Addams and “Hull House” to help working mothers
- newspapers & “yellow journalism”
> highlighted social problems
> exaggerated or created scandals to sell more papers
- Women’s Suffrage movement
> movement advances into 1890s
> Susan B. Anthony promoted women’s suffrage amendment
> American Suffrage Association won victories in various states for participation of women in state elections
- beginnings of the Progressive movement
Radical movements
Socialism, anarchism, radicalism
> anarchy, socialism, political agitation campaigns were common during this time, as some segments of society were not able to process changes in the economy and social structure (from farm to industry, from artisan to factory worker)
> industrial strikes were sources of agitation and infiltration by radical groups into labor movements
> President McKinley was assassinated in 1901 by an anarchist
> most Americans were against violence but many Americans did worry about the meaning and impact of social and economic changes going on around them
> many Americans blame immigrants for the agitation
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== 1890s Cleveland & McKinley administrations ==
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Expanding Democracy or just capitalism? - Alfred Mahan “Influence of Sea Power” (1890)
> argued for need for navy to enforce access to foreign ports for trade
> logic is: strong navy allows for imperialism which creates need for strong navy
> coaling stations in Hawaii in order to allow boats to cross the Pacific
  >> to support American commerce w/ Asia
- Spanish-American war, 1898
> Cuban revolutionaries appealed to Americans for help for independence from Spain
> “remember the Maine” << USS Maine blew up at Havana harbor
> Yellow journalism promoted the war, blaming Spanish for blowing up the Maine
> US attacked Spanish holdings in Cuba, Puerto Rico & Philippines, turning each into US possessions
> “Treaty of Paris” 1898, US agreed to independence for Cuba and possession of Puerto Rico, Philippines and Guam (Pacific islands)
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== 1890s=1910s: Progressive Era ==
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1890s-1910s Progressive Era
Middle Class Reformers
“Scientific Approach” to public policy”
“Direct Democracy”
- Progressives/ Progressive Movement
- legacy of movement = more activist government controlling economy via regulations
> consisted of northern middle class, educated professionals who looked to fix the problems of the day, which they saw as the result of corruption
> progressivism consisted of various individuals, groups and organizations, especially professional organizations such as the American Bar Association, National Municipal League, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), etc.
- journalists led and fueled progressive causes with investigative stories on corruption, labor, health and workplace conditions (child labor, esp).
> they were known as Muckrakers, meaning “raking muck” (horse dung), i.e. “digging up dirt”
> Muckrakers contributed to growth of magazines and news industry, which rose national awareness of issues
>> which fueled political agitation and demand for government reform
> governments, local, state and national responded with regulations and greater enforcement of laws, especially for food, drugs, workplace conditions
> womens’ suffrage advanced during progressive era, although it took WWI for the constitutional amendment to protect the right of women to vote (19th amendments, 1920
- “Direct democracy” : progressives believed that government corruption would be fixed by more “direct” participation of voters in laws and government. 
> successful in many cities and some states, they promoted:
1. initiative: voters could propose new laws to be voted on by the public
2. referendum: voters could vote on proposals set for popular vote by officials or legislatures
3. recall: voters could vote to remove public officials from office
- Commissions: progressives wanted governments to be “scientific” and not political, so they promoted use of “commissions” as independent governing bodies, especially for regulatory bodies
- economic reforms:
> anti-trust (banning monopolies)
> railroad regulations, especially prices for passengers and freight
> child labor, workplace, maximum work hours, & other workplace rules
> food and drug safety, sanitation, and truthful advertising
- other reforms:
> municipal sanitation
> anti-corruption
> forest and park management
1890s-1910s Progressive Era personalities - Robert LaFollette: WI Senator, progressive movement leader
- President Theodore Roosevelt
- WEB DuBois: founder of the NAACP
- Margaret Sanger: womens’ suffrage & rights, promoted contraceptives and abortion
1890s-1910s Progressive Era Constitutional Amendments
Progressive Era legislation
- 16th Amendment, 1913: federal income tax
- 17th Amendment, 1913: direct election of Senators (states previously selected Senators by vote in the legislature; by the time of this amendment, most states had already allowed for “direct” or “popular” election of Senators by the public
- 18th Amendment, 1919: banned sale of alcohol
- 19th Amendment, 1920: guaranteed right to vote for women
Laws/ Agencies:
- Pure Food & Drug Act, 1906 (following publication of “The Jungle” exposing meat industry conditions)
- Federal Trade Commission
- Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914
- Federal Reserve Act
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== 1900s: McKinley, (T) Roosevelt & Taft administrations ==
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== 1910s: Taft & Wilson administrations ==
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World War I, 1914-1918,
US: 1917-18
“Foreign War”
Protest/ dissent
Ensuring Peace - American neutrality = official US policy at beginning of the European war
- English blockade of US ports to block shipments to Germany
> Germany responded with U-Boats (submarine) attacks on ships supplying Great Britain
- Zimmerman telegram: German ambassador to Mexico tried to get Mexico to declare war on U.S.; his telegraph was intercepted by British and sparked anti-German outrage in U.S.
- Espionage Act, 1917, Sedition Act , 1918: laws prohibiting dissent against U.S. (reminiscent of Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798)
- Selective Service Act of 1917: authorized draft of soldiers
- Spanish Flu, 1917-18: massive pandemic exacerbated by wartime preparations with concentrations of young solders
- Committee on Public Information (CPI) ran anti-German and anti-Russian propaganda during the war
- Worldwide attempts to prevent future wars:
> Washington Conference (limiting arms stockpiling)
> Kellogg-Briand Pact: international agreement to outlaw war
Prohibition, Red Scare
Communist Revolution in Russia
Radicalism in US (bombs, strikes) - 18th Amendment put into law the long temperance fight to ban alcohol
- Red Scare: socialists and anti-war radicals demonstrated and led strikes during the War, which they saw as a capitalist enterprise
> many radical leaders were immigrants, who were often blamed for those movements
> bombings: during 1918-1920 a series of bombs were set off by radicals, including the Wall Street Bombing, which killed 30
- Palmer Raids, 1920s: US government responded to bombings and agitations by arresting 10,000+ people under suspicion of anti-American and pro-Russian sympathies
- FBI created to investigate radicals during WWI and was used to enforce prohibition laws
> J. Edgar Hoover ran the agency, led it like his own kingdom
- following WWI and anti-war agitation, public turned anti-immigrant and immigration was largely shut down through 1920s until after WWII
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== 1920s: Wilson, Harding, Coolidge & Hoover administrations ==
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1910-1920s Court Cases
“Incorporation” of the Bill of Rights into state law
Expanding federal jurisdiction over states - Supreme Court began to apply the protections of the Bill of Rights to state law
> process called “Incorporation”
> BOR originally applied only to federal government
> 14th amendment opened door to “incorporation”
> cases tended to be
>> freedom of speech, especially regarding protests during WWI
>> protections against illegal search and seizures
- Schenk v. US: socialist agitator arrested for violating Espionage Act of 1917 that prohibited “interference” w/ War effort
>> court ruled that some speech can be regulated if it endangers others (presents a “clear and present danger” such as “yelling fire in a crowded theatre”)
1920s Themes:
- return to normalcy after WWI
- economic boom
- consumerism / consumer loans
- technology spread, esp. autos, telephones, radio
- women’s expanding roles in economy, politics
- Great migration: black social & economic change
- Economic boom
- business oriented governance
> Republican presidents reduced income taxes but kept tariffs, including to enact the disastrous Smoot-Hawley tariff, which was “protectionist” or “protectionism”
> labor unions lost favor, growth of “welfare capitalism” under which businesses offered workers benefits in exchange for not forming unions or striking
- consumer culture:
> expansion of consumer credit fueled consumer purchases, esp:
> automobiles, appliances, radios, suburbs growth
> “labor saving devices” < freed women from many household tasks
- Jazz Age:
> flappers
> jazz
> “Lost Generation” writers: Hemingway, Fitzgerald, O’Neill
- Prohibition era
> bathtub gin (home-made alcohol)
> gangster era (Al Capone, rum runners)
- Stock market frenzy
> stock market crash, 1929
- restrictions on Immigration: Emergency Quota Act of 1924
- Scopes Monkey Trial: over teaching evolution
1929-32 Stock Market Crash of 1920
Leads to Great Depression
- Hoovervilles: shantytowns of unemployed, named for President Hoover
- Bonus Expeditionary Force (protest in DC by impoverished veterans)
- Dust Bowl
- New Deal
> “ABC” Agencies: created to respond to every aspect of life
> see FDR for more
> Workers Progress Administration (WPA): to put people to work, including artisans, artists, writers
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== 1930s: Hoover & (F) Roosevelt administrations ==
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New Deal
Restoring confidence in banks and in America
Federal intervention in economy
Regulations, Social Welfare
FDR administration “relief” and interventions
> see Franklin Roosevelt in Presidents timeline
New Deal laws included:
> Emergency Banking Relief Bill (to stop panics), 1933
> Banking Act of 1933
>> authorized the > Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure/ guarantee individual deposits in banks
> Agricultural Investment Act (AAA)
> Farm Credit Act
> National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
>> which created the Public Words Administration (PWA) to build roads and other projects for employment and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) to support similar programs in states
>> under the NIRA, FDR seized control of the Tennessee Valley Authority (which built dams and electrical plants)
> National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
> Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- New Deal legacies:
> Alphabet Agencies: federal agencies, many with abbreviations (AAA, CCC) that were created and led to huge federal increase in regulatory powers
> Social welfare programs became permanent part of federal role in people’s lives
> enacted much of the agenda of the 1900s progressives and 1890s populists
WWII, 1939-45
US: 1941-45
Total Mobilization
- Nye Commission of 1936: Senate investigation into arms sales by US companies that led up to WWI, including making bribes to foreign leaders, led to the:
- Neutrality Acts (1935-37)
> barred sale of weapons to nations at war
> official US neutrality as war became inevitable in Asia and Europe
> “isolationism” : anti-war sentiment
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== 1940s (F) Roosevelt & Truman administrations ==
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! '''Major Events, Concepts & Themes'''
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- U.S. preparation for war, including
> Selective Training & Service Act, 1940: 1st peacetime military draft
> Hollywood propaganda movies
> Lend-Lease Act, 1941: authorized “loans” of military equipment to Britain
> Atlantic-Charter Conference: Pres Roosevelt and British PM Churchill met to declare mutual agreement and goals for defeating Nazis
- Pearl Harbor, Dec 7, 1941: Japanese attack on US Naval base in Hawaii led to U.S. Declaration of War against Japan and Germany
- Internment of Japanese Americans, 1942
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WWII Home Front
- total mobilization for war
- civilian efforts to support military via rationing, “victory gardens” buying US gov bonds to finance the war
- women and minorities apart of mobilization
- Manhattan project: race to build the atomic bomb
European Theater: v. Germany, starting in N. Africa, working up through Italy, then Normandy Invasion of France
> Germany surrendered June 1945 after US closed in on West and Russians from the East
Asian Theater v. Japan, starting w/ Pearl Harbor, loss of Philippines, then working up towards Japanese mainland via “island hopping”
- Atomic Bomb, Aug, 1945 ended the war

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