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AP US History vocabulary list: Difference between revisions

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* unicameral
* unicameral

== U.S. Constitution  
== U.S. Constitution ==
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* 3/5ths Compromise
* 3/5ths Compromise
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== Early Republic ==
== Early Republic ==
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* 12th Amendment
* 12th Amendment
* American System
* American System
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== Antebellum social reform ==
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== Antebellum ==
===Social reform ===
* cult of domesticity
* cult of domesticity
* Declaration of Sentiments
* Declaration of Sentiments
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* transcendentalism
* transcendentalism
* Uncle Tom’s Cabin
* Uncle Tom’s Cabin
=== Antebellum ===
* Compromise of 1850
* Dred Scott decision
* Gadsden Purchase
* Gold Rush of 1849
* Kansas-Nebraska Act
* manifest destiny
* Mexican American War
* popular sovereignty
* sectionalism
* Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
== Civil War ==
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* 1860 Election
* Anaconda Plan
* Appomattox
* Emancipation Proclamation
* Ft. Sumter
* Gettysburg
* Gettysburg Address
* Lincoln’s pre-war stance on slavery
* Sherman’s March
* U.S. Grant

== Antebellum ==
== Reconstruction ==
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* 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments
* black codes
* Compromise of 1877
* 40 acres and a mule
* Freedman’s Bureau
* grandfather clause
* Jim Crow laws
* literacy tests
* Plessy v. Ferguson
* poll taxes
* Radical Republicans
* Reconstruction Act of 1867
* Reconstruction programs:
** Lincoln's plans
** Johnson's program
** Congressional program
== Post-Reconstruction ==
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== Economic & Political ==
* Andrew Carnegie
* Battle of Wounded Knee
* bimetallism
* Chinese Exclusion Act
* Dawes Act /assimilation
* Gentlemen’s Agreement
* Great Migration
* Homestead Act of 1862
* laissez-faire capitalism
* melting pot
* monopoly
* nativism
* Nelson Rockefeller
* political bosses
* political machine
* Populist Party
* robber barons
* Sand Creek Massacre
* Sherman Anti-trust Act
* social Darwinism
* Standard Oil
* transcontinental railroad
* U.S. Steel
=== Imperialism ===
* Battle of Manila
* “Big Stick Policy”
* Cuba
* de Lôme Letter,
* imperialism
* William McKinley
* Open Door Policy
* Panama Canal
* Roosevelt Corollary
* Spanish-American War
* yellow journalism
* USS Maine
== Progressive Era ==
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* "Square Deal”
* 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Amendments
* Bull Moose Party
* Direct democracy
* initiative
* Jacob Riis
* Jane Addams
* Meat Inspection Act
* muckrakers
* Progressive Party
* Progressives / progressivism
* Pure Food and Drug Act
* recall
* referendum
* Rule of Reason
* Settlement houses
* socialism
* Upton Sinclair
* Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
* William Howard Taft
== World War I ==
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== 1920s ==
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== Great Depression ==
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== FDR & New Deal vocabulary  ==
== FDR & New Deal ==

=== Roosevelt Administrations ===
=== Roosevelt Administrations ===