US History timeline & concept chart: 1789-1860 Early Republic to Antebellum: Difference between revisions

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'''Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions''' 1798-99
'''Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions''' 1798-99
* state legislatures "nullified" Alien & Sedition Acts
* state legislatures "nullified" Alien & Sedition Acts
** declared them unconstitutional
** = declared them unconstitutional
* "''Principles of '98''"
* "''Principles of '98''"
** = as stated in the Resolutions
** = as stated in the Resolutions
** states rights
** states rights
* "strict construction" of the Constitution
** "strict construction" of the Constitution  
*** (= reading of the Constitution by its text alone, without inferring additional powers)
** state nullification of federal law
* impact:
** Washington called the Resolutions "a recipe for disunion" (see [ Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (wikipedia)]
** fueled southern states rights ideology

''' Taxation''' and '''Fries's Rebellion''' 1799
''' Taxation''' and '''Fries's Rebellion''' 1799