Parts of speech: Difference between revisions

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**** "attorneys general"
**** "attorneys general"
***** *note that "compound words" can be either "open", as in "boy scout" or full moon" or closed, as in "bullfrog" or "mailbox" or hyphenated, as in "long-term" or "on-campus"
***** *note that "compound words" can be either "open", as in "boy scout" or full moon" or closed, as in "bullfrog" or "mailbox" or hyphenated, as in "long-term" or "on-campus"
=== compound adjectives ===
* when a noun is modified by two or more adjectives, the adjectives may be separated by a comma, depending on what the adjective is modifying
==== coordinate adjectives ====
* multiple adjectives that each independently modify the noun
** ''the big, red ball''
* the comma separating the coordinate adjectives could be replaced by the coordinating conjunction "and"
** ''the big and red ball''
** = the ball is both big and red
==== cumulative adjectives ====
* multiple adjectives that each are modified by the prior adjective
** ''the big red ball'' = the red ball is big
*** (might be used to distinguish the ''big red ball'' from a ''small red ball)''

== Adverb ==
== Adverb ==