AP US History vocabulary list: Difference between revisions

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* 12th Amendment
* 12th Amendment
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:American System|based on ideas of Alexander Hamilton, promoted by Henry Clay and JQ Adams, general Whig policies of early to mid 18th century, including: tariff, land sales for revenue, National Bank, "internal improvements"}}</ul></li>
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:American System|based on ideas of Alexander Hamilton, promoted by Henry Clay and JQ Adams, general Whig policies of early to mid 18th century, including: tariff, land sales for revenue, National Bank, "internal improvements"}}</ul>
* Cabinet
* Cabinet
* Compromise of 1820
* Democratic-Republicans  
* Democratic-Republicans  
* election of 1800
* election of 1800
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* Hamilton
* Hamilton
* impressment
* impressment
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:internal improvements|Whig program, originating in Alexander Hamilton's ideas, of promotive national unity and econmic activity via federal investment in roads and canals (paid w/ tariffs and land sales) with econonic and industrial protection via a high tariff}}</ul></li>
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:internal improvements|Whig program, originating in Alexander Hamilton's ideas, of promotive national unity and econmic activity via federal investment in roads and canals (paid w/ tariffs and land sales) with econonic and industrial protection via a high tariff}}</ul>
* Jefferson
* Jefferson
* John Marshall
* John Marshall
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* Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
* Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
* War of 1812
* War of 1812
* Whigs
* Whiskey Rebellion
* Whiskey Rebellion
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* transcendentalism
* transcendentalism
* Uncle Tom’s Cabin
* Uncle Tom’s Cabin
* Underground Railroad
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=== Antebellum ===
=== Antebellum ===
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* American Party
* Bloody Kansas
* John Calhoun
* Compromise of 1850
* Compromise of 1850
* Dred Scott decision
* Dred Scott decision
* Gadsden Purchase
* Gadsden Purchase
* Gold Rush of 1849
* Gold Rush of 1849
* Henry Clay
* Kansas-Nebraska Act
* Kansas-Nebraska Act
* Know Nothings
* Lincoln-Douglas Debates
* manifest destiny
* manifest destiny
* Mexican American War
* Mexican American War
* popular sovereignty
* popular sovereignty
* Republic of Texas
* sectionalism
* sectionalism
* Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
* Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
* Daniel Webster
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* grandfather clause
* grandfather clause
* homestead
* homestead
* Jim Crow laws
* Jim Crow laws Klu Klux Klan
* land grant
* land grant
* literacy tests
* literacy tests
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* Gentlemen’s Agreement
* Gentlemen’s Agreement
* Great Migration
* Great Migration
* hard money
* Homestead Act of 1862
* Homestead Act of 1862
* laissez-faire capitalism
* laissez-faire capitalism
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* Sand Creek Massacre
* Sand Creek Massacre
* Sherman Anti-trust Act
* Sherman Anti-trust Act
* silver
* social Darwinism
* social Darwinism
* soft money
* Standard Oil
* Standard Oil
* transcontinental railroad
* transcontinental railroad
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* American Indian Movement (AIM)
* American Indian Movement (AIM)
* Wounded Knee Incident
* Wounded Knee Incident
* "Incorporation" Cases