US History timeline & concept chart: 1860s-1900: Difference between revisions

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* >>details
* >>details

== American imperialism ==
===== American imperialism =====

* annexation of Hawaii
* annexation of Hawaii
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> coaling stations in Hawaii in order to allow boats to cross the Pacific
> coaling stations in Hawaii in order to allow boats to cross the Pacific
   >> to support American commerce w/ Asia
   >> to support American commerce w/ Asia
- Spanish-American war, 1898
> Cuban revolutionaries appealed to Americans for help for independence from Spain
> “remember the Maine” << USS Maine blew up at Havana harbor
> Yellow journalism promoted the war, blaming Spanish for blowing up the Maine
> US attacked Spanish holdings in Cuba, Puerto Rico & Philippines, turning each into US possessions
> “Treaty of Paris” 1898, US agreed to independence for Cuba and possession of Puerto Rico, Philippines and Guam (Pacific islands)

=== "Open Door" policy ===
=== Spanish-American war, 1898 ===
* Secretary of State Hay's memo
* >>details
* Cuban revolutionaries appealed to Americans for help for independence from Spain
* "Remember the Maine!”
* USS Maine blew up at Havana harbor
* Yellow journalism promoted the war, blaming Spanish for blowing up the Maine
* US attacked Spanish holdings in Cuba, Puerto Rico & Philippines
* turning each into US possessions
* "Treaty of Paris” 1898, US agreed to independence for Cuba and possession of Puerto Rico, Philippines and Guam (Pacific islands)
* "'''Platt Amendment'''"
** an amendment to an Army appropriations (funding) bill named for Senator Platt
** required that Cuba:
*** not make any treaties that would weaken its independence or cede territory to another country
*** allow the US to purchase or lease land for naval stations (Guantanamo Bay)
*** not become indebted to other nations so as to give them an excuse to extract payments by military force (a common policy that in the US was later called "gunboat diplomacy"
*** agree that the US has the right to intervene in Cuba to maintain its independence and domestic peace (prevent a civil war)
===== "Open Door" policy, 1899 =====
* McKinley's Secretary of State John Hay's memo declaring that all countries should be allowed to trade with Chiina
* written in response to 1894 war between China and Japan over control of Korea
** China lost and was forced to allow Korean independence and cede control of Manchuria (northeast region), which included Port Arthur, an important naval base
** European powers demanded that Japan return Manchuria to China & in 1898 Russia forced China to "lease" (loan) Port Arthur to it
** other European nations then demanded a '''leasehold''' from China
*** allowing them to each maintain a '''sphere of influence''' in China (mostly for economic development)
** in 1899 Hay sent letter (memo) to each European nation asserting that every country had the right to trade with China, even via the European "leaseholds"
** thus "Open Door policy"
** Chinese groups organized against the European interventions and in 1900 rebelled by attacking embassies and killing or imprisoning foreigners
** the uprising was named for one of the groups, "the Boxers", thus the ''Boxer Rebellion''
*** US participated with European powers in sending vessels and troops to put down the rebellion
*** Hay negotiated compensation from China instead of full military retaliation, which Europeans accepted, thus ensuring continued US access to trade with China

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