Use this page to play around with code sandbox is more appropriate but this is for quick hit testing out formatting, code etc. so as not to mess up main files please do not delete this text above the line! (or the line...)

pdf handler test

supposed to generate image of page 2: File:Verbiness of participles gerunds infinitives (4-3-2023).pdf

template test

Birth date: 000000
Birth place: test
Death date:
Death place:

>> biographical information here >> add categories >> add photo gallery

strike test

strike test

pre test

 asld;fkj  alsdjf ;l j;alsd j alsdfj ljsdf  lksd flj lasdf kj asdljf  agjlkjsldf l lkasdfl ;lk asdf j; ;l asd;fk l;lkasdf lk l asldf jlk jlk jasdfj ;lk a;ldsf ad