Geography fun facts and oddities

Geography fun facts & oddities

page organization t.b.a.

  • just a collection of facts and oddities for how

Geography fun facts

  • Pitcaren Islands in Polynesia, are the least populated political entity in the world (67 residents)
    • Vatican City, for example, has 825 residents
  • Rio de la Plata is the widest river in the world (max width: 140 mi)
    • the Rio de la Plata is considered a river, estuary, gulf or "marginal sea"
    • it is fed by the Uruguay and Parana rivers at Punta Gorda ("fat point"

Geography oddities


  • Three Sisters or Three Sisters Islands (Washington, DC)
The Three Sisters islets, DC (wiki)
    • three rocky islands in the Potomac River in Washington, DC
  • click EXPAND for legends behind the name of the rocks:
      • three Native American sisters who died crossing the river there while trying to rescue their brothers who had been kidnapped by another tribe
      • three Native American sisters who were banished to the islands after refusing the husbands selected for them by their father; the sisters cursed the spot, which is said to make an eerie sound whenever the River is about to take a life
      • a 1925 novel included a story about three nuns who drowned at the spot

See: [Three Sisters (wiki)]

  • Independence Rock (Wyoming)
Oregon Trail's Independence Rock 1870 (wiki)
Independence Rock, Wyoming, USA, July 2015 (wiki)
Independence rock names 1 (wiki)
    • a 130 ft high granite rock in Wyoming that sticks up out of the prairie
    • located at the southeast end of the Granite Mountains
    • served as a landmark for 19th century western settlers, some of whom carved their names on the rock and some of which are still visible



  • sinkholes are holes or caves in the ground caused by erosion or a collapse of a lower, below-ground surface, usually because of water drainage
  • sinkholes may also be caused by a drainage of water, such as a water table decline
  • sinkholes are most common where limestone, sandstone, salt beds, or gypsum are prevalent
Thor's Well: a sinkhole on the coast of Cape Perpetua, Oregon
  • Thor's Well: a sinkhole on the coast of Cape Perpetua, Oregon, that drains at high tides
More than three acres of forest suddenly disappeared into this "December Giant" sinkhole in Montevallo, Alabama, USA.

Enclaves & Exclaves

  • see:
  • enclave = a country or territory that is entirely surrounded by another country or territory
    • "enclave" is derived from the Latin inclavare for "to close with a key," meaning one property that is entirely surrounded by another proprerty
    • nation state enclaves:
  • click on EXPAND to see list of nation state enclaves:
      • Vatican City (within Italy)
      • San Marino (within Italy)
      • Losotho (within South Africa)
    • semi-enclave states are surrounded by another states by land but also have a water border, such as:
      • Monaco (surrounded by France and the Mediterranean Sea)
      • The Gambia (surrounded by Senegal and the Atlantic Ocean)
      • Brunei (surrounded by the Malaysian state, Sarawak, and the South China Sea)
      • several other enclave states exist politically independent but are not recognized officially as independent nations
  • exclave = a territory or part of a country that is separated from the main country or territory
  • examples

Geographic extremes

Largest & smallest nations, Highest & lowest populations


  • Algeria is the largest country in Africa
  • The Gambia is the smallest country in mainland Africa
    • The Gambia is a semi-enclave surrounded by Senegal and the Atlantic Ocean
  • Seychelles is the smallest country in Africa, including islands
  • Nigeria has the highest population in Africa
    • Ethiopia as the 2nd highest population
  • Djibouti has the lowest population in mainland Africa
  • Seychelles has the lowest population in Africa among independent nations (territories excluded) and including island states
  • Saint Helena the lowest population in Africa, including island states and semi-independent territories
    • Seychelles has the second lowest population in Africa, including island states and territories



  • Australia is the largest and the smallest country in Australia
    • Australia is the only country to entirely occupy a continent

Directional extremes (north, south, east, west)

United States

Extreme points in the contiguous 48 states: Northwest Angle (MN), Ballast Key (FL), Sail Rock (ME), Bodelteh Islands (WA) See
  • northernmost state in the continental U.S.: Minnesota
  • northernmost point in the continental U.S.: Northwest Angle, Minnesota, known as "The Angle"
  • Click EXPAND to read more about the Northwest Angle:
    • when negotiating the US-Canadian border following the American Revolution (Treaty of Paris, 1783), negotiators used an inaccurate map of the border of present-day Minnesota and Canada, and thereby included the northwest portion of the Lake of the Woods as the border, while it actually lies within Canadian territory
    • thus The Angle is one of six "practical exclaves" of the U.S., as it is only accessible by land via Canada
    • in 2010, it's population was 119
    • see: Northwest Angle (wiki)

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