Simple grammar cheat sheet


  • the rules of language
    • especially for written language


  • printed marks that indicate breaks, pauses, or other meanings in a sentence
  • includes, period, comma, colon, semicolon, apostrophe, parentheses, etc.


  • word order and arrangements
  • and rules for how word order and arrangements create meaning


  • meaning as created by grammatical rules and syntactical (syntax) arrangments of sentences

Parts of Speech

  • categories for the role of a word in a sentence
  • such as adjective, adverb, noun, verb, etc.
  • many words can operate across or as different parts of speech
    • ex., an "attributive noun" acts as an adjective that modifies another noun ("dog food")
Part of Speech Definition Category Other
Adjective modifies nouns modifier
Adverb modifies verbs and adjectives modifier
Article identifies a known or unknown noun

("the" or "a"/"an")

Conjunction joins or contrasts words and sentence parts grammatical
Determiner identifies specificity (these), quantity (five), amount (some), possession (our), sufficiency (enough) or a noun modifier
Interjection an exclamation or abrupt remark (What?, Yes!) grammatical
Noun a person, place or thing grammatical
Preposition identifies a relationship between a noun or a verb and another noun ("on the table", "to the store") modifier
Pronoun references a noun or a person (I, you, he/she/it, we, they, etc.) grammatical
Verb indicates action or existence grammatical


  • a word or set of words that "modify" or change, add to, qualify, or describe another word or another part of a sentence
  • some parts of speech are modifiers:
    • adjective, adverb, article, determiner, preposition
  • phrases and clauses can also act as modifiers
    • "relative" or "adjective" clause modifies another word or sentence part
      • ex. "The pizza was so cheezie, which made a mess"
    • adverbial, participial, prepositional and other phrases modify another word or sentence part
      • "Given extra time, he was able to finish"
      • "I take biology on Tuesdays"

Sentence Parts


  • a noun
  • the actor
  • i.e., the person place or thing that does the action
  • in grammar, "subject" is in the sense of "to subject" or "to force into submission"
    • as in the "doer" of the sentence, the actor that causes the action
  • also related to the word "subjective," which means "from the perspective of"


  • word that expresses an action ("make") or existence ("be")
  • infinitive = "to" + the verb , as in "to make"
    • infinitives express the action in general but not the action itself
    • infinitives can operate as nouns or adjectives
      • as in "I want to go" ("to go" = the object of the verb "want")


  • expresses what happens to the subject
  • i.e., = the verb + the result or outcome of an action


  • the recipient of the action
    • i.e.,
  • direct object
  • indirect object


  • a grammatically complete thought
    • contains a subject & verb/predicate


  • part of a sentence
  • has a subject & verb

Independent clause


  • two or more words that
    • do not contain a subject & verb
    • form a distinct grammatical unit ("constituent")

Joining sentence parts

  • note:
    • IC = Independent Clause
    • DC = Dependent Clause
    • PHr = Phrase

periods .

  • periods separate sentences
  • periods do ONE thing =
  1. separate grammatically correct and complete thoughts that are distinct sentences

click EXPAND to see what PERIODS do & how to eliminate using the rule:


  • periods separate grammatically correct and complete thoughts that are distinct sentences
  • notes:
    • if the sentence is grammatically or logically incomplete, it cannot end there with a period
      • i.e., SUBJECT VERB and an object or subject complement if needed to make sense
    • note that "interjection" verbs do not have an explicit SUBJECT, but can still create a complete sentence
      • ex. "Go to the store." or "Stop!"
    • same for exclamations
      • ex. "Ouch." (can stand as a sentence, although exclamations usually are punctuated by exclamation points (!)

semicolons ;

  • combine independent clauses for comparison, contrast or some relation between them
    • as opposed to periods which completely separate the ideas/ thoughts
  • semicolons do ONE thing:
  1. combine ICs
  • note that semicolons can -- but rarely:
    • separate a list of IC's:
      • as in "IC; IC; IC; IC."
    • separate a list of common examples, usually following a colon
      • as in, "IC: this; that; the other thing."
        • ex. "On our trip, we will visit tons of places: in Africa, Egypt & Morrocco; in Europe, Greece and Italy; and in Asia, Turkey."

click EXPAND to see what SEMICOLONS do & how to eliminate using the rule/s:


  1. combine two ICs
    • "School is boring; I should go anyway"= IC; IC
  • can also create a list of IC's (IC; IC; IC; IC.)
    • "School is boring; I already know that stuff; I should go anyway" = "IC; IC; IC
  • notes:
    • semicolons must have IC (could be complete sentences & thoughts) on both sides of the semicolon
      • i.e., if the two clauses on either side of the semicolon would not stand on their own as grammatically complete sentences and thoughts, the semicolon is incorrect

commas ,

  • create pauses
  • commas do FIVE things:

click EXPAND to see what COMMAS do & how to eliminate using the rule/s:


  1. combine IC, DC, or DC, IC
    • or IC, Phr or Phr, IC
      • ex. "He ate fast, which upset his stomach" = IC, DC
      • ex. "After eating too fast, his stomach was upset" = Phr, IC
        • (prepositional phrase, independent clause)
  2. combine ICs
    • but only with a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS), i.e., IC, and IC
    • ex.: "IC, and IC" or "IC, but IC"
      • "They played hard, and they won big" = IC, and IC
      • "They played hard, but they lost" = IC, but IC
  3. separate lists (subjects, verbs, objects)
    • ex.: S, S and S V, V O, O and O
  4. act parenthetically
    • ", .... ," (like these parentheses)
      • The movie, which was about Ancient Rome, was very informative" = S, .... , V
  5. introduce a direct quotation
    • ex. "The judge declared, "Guilty!"
  • notes:
    • commas can only separate a S-V or V-O if acting parenthetically
    • commas CANNOT combine two ICs without a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)
    • 1 or more commas can separate multiple subjects, verbs or objects from one another
      • "Joey, Joella and Josephina jumped for joy"
        • = a single comma between the subject "Joey" and its verb "jumped" because the comma creates a list and not a grammatical separation of the subject and verb

colons :

  • distinguish additional information following an IC, usually a list, explanation, or example to clarify or extend the idea presented in the IC
  • colons = do ONE thing:
  1. extend or provide examples in support of a prior IC
    • i.e., colons follow a complete statement with an extended idea or example/s
      • The prosecutor presented the evidence: a fingerprint, the weapon, and a written confession" = IC: list
  • note that colons DO NOT:
    • follow a dependent clause
    • interrupt a clause or requisite (essential, required) elements in a sentence
      • ex., "I went to the store: because I needed some supplies"
        • the colon here interrupts the connection between "I went to the store" and the reason why, "because..."
      • or "She knew: that it was the right thing to do"
        • the colon here interrupts the requisite relative pronoun "that" and the clause it creates
    • have multiple colons in a sentence

click EXPAND to see what COLONS do & how to eliminate using the rule/s:


  1. extend or provide examples following an IC
  • what follows the colon can be in any grammatical form (IC, DC, phrase)
    • except a conjunction (as in : I bought shoes: and some socks (= incorrect)
    • or a required (requisite) phrase or clause ("I bought shoes: that fit" = incorrect)
    • colons are usually followed by a list or an example
    • a colon may set up a direct quotation, such as:
      • The lawyer claimed the accusation was wrong: "He's innocent!" = IC: IC
  • note:
    • a colon must be preceded by an IC
    • it can be followed by anything except for another colon

dashes --

  • separate ideas within a sentence, either parenthetically or like a colon
  • dashes do TWO things:
  1. act like a colon
  2. act like parentheses (...) = -...-

click EXPAND to see what DASHES do & how to eliminate using the rule/s:


  1. act like a colon
    • ex. "She left stuff behind -- a plastic ring, a cheap phone, and a pencil" = IC -- list
  2. act like parentheses (...) = -...-
    • The stuff that she left behind -- a plastic ring, a cheap phone, and a pencil -- wasn't that expensive"
  • notes:
    • if there is NOT another dash in the sentence, then the dash is NOT acting parenthetically (...)
    • if the dash is operating as a colon, it must be preceded by an IC