Virginia and US History SOL map study: US expansion 1789-1959

Preparation for the state of Virginian SOL ("Standards of Learning") History test: US expansion 1789-1959

Early Republic, 1789-1820

US after becoming an independent nation
  • acquired the lands between
    • the Appalachian Mountains
    • Mississippi River
Organization of new territories between
  • claims of existing states (former 13 colonies)
  • federal territories created by Congress
    • especially the Northwest Territory

Territorial growth & Mexican-American War, 1820-1860

1803: showing the Louisiana Purchase, territories West of the Mississippi and north of Mexican lands
Louisiana Purchase, 1803
  • bought from France
    • (which took it a few years before from Spain)
  • doubles the size the country
  • expands US lands:
    • west of the Mississippi
    • north of Spanish territories
      • (Mexico gains independence from Spain in 1821)
  • the Louisiana Purchase leads to further western expansion by Americans
    • including into Spanish territories (modern Texas)
1828: showing re-organization of the Louisiana territory and Mexican lands
1836: Texas Republic (independence from Mexico)
1837: Texas expands territory into Mexico
Mexican Texas, 1827-1836 & Republic of Texas, 1836-1846
  • US settlers pushed into Spanish / Mexican lands and gained independence from Mexico
  • notes on Texas (not important for the Virginia SOL)
    • American and Spanish settlers in Texas gained independence from Spain in 1821
      • creating, "Mexican Texas," a part of Mexico from 1821-1836
    • in 1836, Texas declared independence from Mexico
      • and became an independent country, the Republic of Texas from 1836-1846
    • Texas was "annexed" (taken by) the US in 1845 and became a US state in 1846
    • these events were significant to the Mexican-American War, 1846-1848
Mexican-American War, 1848
1848: US after Mexican-American War
1849: Reorganization of territories seized from Mexico (Texas, now a state, is reduced in size)

Slavery maps, to 1865

Slavery in American colonies as of 1770
Slavery in the 13 American colonies prior to the American Revolution
Distribution of free and slave states, 1850
See this animated map timeline for expansion of slavery from colonial to Civil War period

Civil War, 1861-1865

Map of U.S. showing two kinds of Union states, two phases of secession and territories
Status of the states, 1861    Slave states that seceded before April 15, 1861    Slave states that seceded after April 15, 1861    Union states that permitted slavery (border states)    Union states that banned slavery    Territories

Continental expansion & overseas territories, 1865-1900

20th century new states, 1900-1959


