European Enlightenment

Revision as of 20:50, 28 July 2021 by Bromley (talk | contribs) (diderot)


  • a product of the Protestant Reformation
  • intellectual "Age of Reason"
  • world view change from religious to secular
  • skepticism & religious skepticism
  • pursuit of happiness: focus on the human condition
  • diffusion of knowledge: books, pamphlets, publications, libraries, universities

key dates

  • 1648: end of the 30 Years War (religious dispute was a core cause of the war)
  • 1680: publication of Isaac Newton's Principio Mathematica
  • 1688: Glorious Revolution in England
  • 1682: Haley's comet & Bayle's "Reflections on Comets"

Enlightenment definitions

  • disenchantment of the world
    • from Max Weber
    • attacking superstition
  • political reform
    • applying reason to public policy
    • infrastructure projects
    • penal & criminal law enforcement and reform
      • vagrants and beggars

Enlightenment core ideas

  • truth can be found through investigation
  • self-government
    • Glorious Revolution: William of Orange takes power
      • transfer of power based on the public good and not dynastic divine rule

Enlightenment projects

Diderot's Encylopedie

  • a tremendous project to catalog human knowledge
  • = an exercise in "freedom of thought"
  • had 28 volumes, 71,818 articles and 3,129 illustrations
  • started by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert
  • goals:
    • Diderot wrote that the purpose of the project was ""to change the way people think"
    • to disseminate (spread) knowledge across economic classes
    • to give more common people access to practical knowledge, especially mechanics
  • it was the first encyclopedia to have independent contributors
  • some of the ideas presented in the encyclopedia were considered radical
    • the French government banned it in 1759
    • the work supported religious freedom
    • many entries challenged religious doctrine
      • under the idea that knowledge is provable, the work treated religion as also subject to proof
      • the work attacked mysticism and superstition

==== taxonomy of human knowledge

Fig. 3: "Figurative system of human knowledge", the structure that the Encyclopédie organised knowledge into. It had three main branches: memory, reason, and imagination.
  • the Encyclopedia organized knowledge into three main categories:
    • memory (factual knowledge)
    • reason (logic, deduction)
    • imagination (arts, literature)

Enlightenment thinkers

entry structure

=== section title: first, last, alphabetical by last name

  • core ideas
  • dates
  • works

Pierre Bayle

  • core ideas
    • religious skepticism and toleration
  • 1682 Reflections on Comets
    • Hailey's comet as natural phenomenon and not a mysterious event
    • challenged superstition
  • religious toleration

Cesare Beccaria

  • On Crimes and Punishments
    • condemned torture and the death penality

Denis Diderot

  • author, editor of l'Encyclopedie
  • self-exiled to Switzerland to carry on the project in secret
  • Diderot was a follower of Voltaire and deisms (that God exists but not as a distinct entity)
    • he later adopted materialism and atheism
    • he believed that religious truths should be subject to the same standards of proof as any other knowledge
  • he also wrote plays and was a prominent art critic
  • overall, Diderot's thoughts are expressed in these questions, as proposed by one of his biographers, Andrew S. Curran:
    • Why be moral in a world without god?
    • How should we appreciate art?
    • What are we and where do we come from?
    • What are sex and love?
    • How can a philosopher intervene in political affairs?
  • Diderot quotation:
    • "posterity is for the philosopher what the 'other world' is for the man of religion."

Robert Hooke

David Hume

  • the problem of induction
    • how do you know that the sun will rise tomorrow?
    • Greek verwion of hte question >>> todo
  • reason will always be the slave of passion
  • in 2020 Hume cancelled by modern "cancel culture"
    • Hume wrote a racist tract, "comments on matters of race" that posited that blacks were inferior beings
    • in 2020, Edinburgh University removed his name from a building on campus

= Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

  • core ideas
  • works:
    • Nathan the Wise, a play on religious tolerance

click EXPAND for details on Nathan the Wise and the "parable of the rings"

      • a play about Nathan, a Jewish merchant who meets Saladin the Great, the Ottoman sultan and thus a core Islamic leader
      • Saladin asks Nathan which of the Abrahamic religions is the "true religion"
        • Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam (in order of historical appearance)
      • Nathan avoids the question trap by answering with the "parable of the ring"
        • = a story about a magical ring that empowers the bearer God's approval ("pleasing to God")
          • i.e., the bearer's religion is the "true religion"
        • it is passed on by generation, until a father can't decide which of three sons to give it to
          • so he creates two exact copies and gives each son a ring
        • afterwards, the sons argue over who owns the actual ring
        • they take their dispute to a wise man who tells them
          • that perhaps all three rings are replicas, they cannot know
          • therefore, if each acts in such a way as God will be pleased, it would show that each ring has the magical power
          • i.e., God doesn't judge by one's religion but by one's actions

Isaac Newton

  • Principio Mathematica
  • launched idea of a divinely-ordered universe understandable by mathematics


  • Candide: satire on Englightenment thought "best of all possible worlds" << to do