AP US History vocabulary list: Difference between revisions

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* Federalists  
* Federalists  
* George Washington
* George Washington
* Hamilton
* Alexander Hamilton
* impressment
* impressment
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:internal improvements|Whig program, originating in Alexander Hamilton's ideas, of promotive national unity and econmic activity via federal investment in roads and canals (paid w/ tariffs and land sales) with econonic and industrial protection via a high tariff}}</ul>
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:internal improvements|Whig program, originating in Alexander Hamilton's ideas, of promotive national unity and econmic activity via federal investment in roads and canals (paid w/ tariffs and land sales) with econonic and industrial protection via a high tariff}}</ul></li>
* Jefferson
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Jay's Treaty|1794; settled dispute with British over the Canadian border and British military presence in the Northwest Territory and impressment of American sailors; among terms, the treaty encouraged American trade with Britain, to which Jeffersoians objected (they prefered relations with France), as well as the absence of compensation from Britain for lost slaves during the Revolutionary War, which southerners had insisted upon}}</ul></li>
* John Marshall
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Jeffersonians/ Jeffersonianism|adherents to Thomas Jefferson's vision of "American republicanism" based upon ; the philosophy was largely anti-commercialism (esp. banks, factories, merchants), anti-urban, and anti-(informal) aristocracy; Jeffersonianism supported universal whilte male suffrage and grass-roots democracy based on independent farmers}}</ul></li>
* judicial review
* Louisiana Purchase
* Louisiana Purchase
* Marbury v. Madison
* Marbury v. Madison (1804)
* McColluch v. Maryland
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:John Marshall|prominant Federalist, apponted as Chief Justice by Adams in the "midnight appointments" at the end of the Adams' presidency; Marshall supported "judicial review" which was fully establshed in ''Marbury v. Madison''}}</ul></li>
* McColluch v. Maryland (1819)
* Monroe Doctrine
* Monroe Doctrine
* Mossouri Compromise
* Mossouri Compromise
* National Bank
* National Bank
* Northwest Territory
* nullification
* nullification
* political parties  
* political parties  
* Republican motherhood
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:Republican motherhood|in the early Republic, the notion of female participation in rebublican governance through raising and educating their sons in republicansism and in upholding those values in their own lives and outlook}}</ul></li>
<ul><li>{{#tip-text:republicanism|political doctrine of representative government through the votes of citizens of equal political status; republicanism was strongly anti-monarchy and anit-aristocracy; elements of republican philosophy include democracy, honest governance, individualism, property rights, self-rule}}</ul></li>
* Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
* Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
* War of 1812
* War of 1812