AP US Government & Politics vocabulary list: Difference between revisions

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'''AP US Government & Politics Running Vocabulary List'''
'''AP US Government & Politics Running Vocabulary List'''
[[category:US Government]]
* please contact us for suggestions on words to add
[[category:AP US Government & Politics]]

* to do / add:
* to do / add:
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** judicial structures as coherent list
** judicial structures as coherent list

* please contact us for suggestions on words to add
== Forms of government==
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* absolute monarchy
* aristocracy
* authoritarian
* colony
* constitutional monarchy
* constitutional government
* constitutional monarchy
* council, city or county
* democracy
* democratic-socialism
* dictatorship (modern)
* direct democracy
* divine rule
* dynasty
* empire
* fascism
* feudalism
* hereditary rule
* kleptocracy
* monarchy
* nation
* oligarchy
* parliamentary
* polyarchy
* primogeniture
* representative democracy
* republic
* self-government
* self-rule
* state
* theocracy
* totalitarian
* tyranny (tyrant)
== Representation ==
general theory of legislative representation:
* direct representation
* virtual representation
types of legislative representation
* at large / at large representation
* delegate model
* politico model
* proportional representation
* representative democracy
* trustee model
other types and theories of legislative representation (not included in general vocabulary list)
* collective representation
* dyadic representation
* imperative mandate
* party-based representation
* resemblance model
* substantive representation
== Taxes / taxation ==
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* business tax
* capital gains tax
* city, state, local taxes
* direct v. indirect tax
* excise tax
* income bracket
* income
* inheritance tax
* Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
* loopholes
* marginal tax rate
* payroll tax
* progressive tax
* property
* regressive tax
* sales
* shelters
* tax authority
* withholding
== Economics: theories & terms ==
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* command economy
* comparative advantage
* consumerism
* demand-side economics
* depression
* developed world
* developing world
* excess demand
* First World
* Free-trade
* Great Recession, the
* Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
* "Invisible hand of the market"
* Keynesianism
* laissez-faire
* local v national economy
* Locke, John
* market economy
* Marxism
* opportunity cost
* planned economy
* political economy
* public choice & social choice theories
* purchasing power (or buying)
* Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
* Reaganomics
* recession
* regressive tax
* regulation
* regulatory capture
* rent seeking
* scarcity & surplus
* staple crop
* supply & supply
* supply-side economics
* Third world
* traditional economy
* trickle-down
* utility
== Sociological terms ==
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* affirmation
* Broken Windows Theory
* confirmation bias
* “defining deviance down” (Daniel Patrick Moynihan)
* deviance as healthy (Durkheim)
* deviance
* group think
* life cycles
* linguistics
* loss aversion
* norms
* repetition bias
* role fulfillment
* self-identity
* socialization
* status
* symbols / symbolism
* validation
* voter behavior
* Weberian model
== Landmark Supreme Court Cases (alphabetical) ==
see [[Landmark Supreme Court cases]]
== Constitutional Powers (list of) ==
* concurrent
* delegated
* distribution of power
* enumerated
* expressed
* implied
* informal
* inherent
* reserved
== Legal doctrines and terms ==
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=== Court doctrines, rules, standards & tests ===
* bad-tendency rule
* Clear & Present Danger doctrine
* Compact Theory
* Judicial Review
* Lemon test
* Miranda rights
* One person one vote standard (Baker v. Carr, 1961)
* Political Question doctrine (Baker v. Carr, 1961)
* "rule of four"
* Rule of Reason
* Separate but Equal (Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896)
=== Judicial / Court terms & vocabulary ===
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* amicus curiae
* capital crime / offense
* case law
* civil v. criminal law
* common law
* constitutional avoidance
* constitutionality
* dual federalism
* due process
* exclusionary rule
*''habeas corpus''
* injunction
* irreparable harm
* judicial activism / activist
* judicial overreach
* judicial restraint
* litmus test
* living constitution
* mediation
* negotiated settlement
* original intent
*''per curiam'' opinion
* plea bargain
* police powers
* precedent
* prior restraint
* privileges & immunities
* procedural law / procedural rights
* remedy
* restraining order
* selective incorporation
* "rule of four"
* stare decisis
* statutory law
* strict constructionist
* strict scrutiny / intermediate scrutiny
* strike down (a law)
* substantive due process
* textualist
*''writ of certiorari''
=== Court periods (based upon the Chief Justice) ===
* for full list see [https://school4schools.com/wiki/index.php?title=Landmark_Supreme_Court_cases#Major_.22Courts.22_.28Chief_Justices.29 Major Courts]
==== Marshall Court ====
* 1801-1835
* assertion of judicial review, Supremacy clause & Necessary and Proper clause
** assertion of right of private contract over state abrogation (breaking existing contracts between other parties)
==== Warren Court ====
* 1954-1969
** followed by Burger Court
* incorporation cases (asserting Bill or Rights protections over state law)
* civil liberties/ rights protections
==== Rehnquist Court ====
* 1986-2005
** followed by Roberts Court
* promoted "New Federalism"
** = curtailing extent of federal powers over the states
== Important laws ==
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* (incomplete, names as commonly known, not the actual legislative name)
* Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC; 1935 as part of SSA)
* Americans with Disabilities Act (1991)
* Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act (1993)
* Civil Service Reform Act (1978)
* Civil Rights Act of 1964
* Clean Water Act (1987)
* Clean Air Act (1970)
* Dodd-Frank (2010)
* Endangered Species Act (1973)
* Fair Housing Act (1968)
* Family Medical Leave Act (1993)
* Federal Election Campaign Acts (FECA, 1971)
* Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, 1966)
* Hatch Act (1939)
* Immigration Act of 1991
* Judiciary Act (1789)
* McCain Feingold (2002)
* Motor Voter Act of 1993
* National Security Act of 1947
* National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, 1969)
* Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932)
* Obama Care (“Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010”)
* Pendleton Act (or "Civil Service Act of 1883")
* Social Security Act (SSA) (1935)
** see also Title II, Title XVIII (Medicare), Title XIX (Medicaid)
* Simpson-Marzzoli Act (1987)
* Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
* U.S. Patriot Act of 2001
* Voting Rights Act of 1965
* Wagner Act (1935)
* War Powers Act (1973)
== Foundational documents ==
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=== The Declaration of Independence ===
* "all men are born equal"
** = that the King is not above any other citizen
** = deep implication of equality of all people
* justifies self-government
* statement of grievances against British rule
=== The Articles of Confederation ===
* loose organization of independent countries ("states")
* lacked centralized and executive powers
=== The Constitution & Amendments ===
* followed republican principles of
** democratic government (power derived from the people)
** representative government (government by officials selected by the people)
** divided and limited government
=== Brutus No. 1 ===
* argued that the new Constitution would not protect the liberties and rights of the people
=== Federalist No. 10 ===
* explains the republican principles of the Constitution
** especially the idea that a large republic is more secure from the impact of faction than a small republic
=== Federalist 51 ===
* explains the system of separation of powers and checks and balances
* which are to protect against
** faction
** tyranny of the majority
=== Federalist No. 70 ===
* explains the need for a strong Executive branch
=== Federalist No. 78 ===
* explains judicial review
=== Letter from Birmingham Jail ===
* affirms American principle of equality
** and its failures and potential
== U.S. Constitution outline & study guide ==
For Constitution Pop-Up Study Guide see: [[U.S. Constitution study guide]]
* Preamble
* Article 1: Legislative organization/ powers
* Article 2: Executive organization/ powers
* Article 3: Judicial organization / powers
* Article 4: Full Faith & Credit / Privileges & Immunities (relationship between states); also "Republican Form of Government" guarantee
* Article 5: constitutional amendment process (2/3rds Congress or convention of states to propose, 3/4ths States to ratify; state equal suffrage in Senate protection
* Article 6: Supremacy Clause; also, oaths of office, no religious test
* Article 7: Ratification of Constitution by 9 states
== Constitutional Amendments/ Timeline ==
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=== Early Republic amendments ===
* 1-10, 1789: BOR (Bill or Rights)
* 11, 1795: clarified / limited judicial powers re. suits between citizens & states & foreign nations
* 12, 1803: reorganized Prez/VP election (joined as a ticket essentially)
=== Civil War era amendments ===
* 13, 1865: abolish slavery
* 14, 1868.
** Section 1
*** naturalized citizenship
*** privileges & immunities protection,
*** due process
*** equal representation
** Section 2
*** apportionment of representatives (abolished 3/5ths clause)
** Section 3
*** limit political participation of former confederates
** Section 4
*** validated Northern war debt
* 15, 1869: protects voting rights regardless of race, color, former servitude
=== Progressive era amendments ===
* 16, 1913: direct tax (income tax)
* 17, 1913: direct election of senators (by popular vote in states)
* 18, 1917: prohibition
=== WWI era amendments ===
* 19, 1920: voting rights for women
=== 1930s/40s amendments ===
* 20, 1933: move prez inauguration to Jan (from March), clarified succession
* 21: repeals 18th amendment (prohibition)
* 22, 1951: limit office of prez to two terms (in response to FDR 4 terms)
=== Civil Rights era amendments ===
* 23, 1961: electoral college votes for DC
* 24, 1964: abolishes poll taxes
* 25, 1967: clarifies prez succession in case of incapacitation (Cold War)
* 26, 1971: reduce voting age to 18
=== Modern era amendments ===
* 27, 1992 (originally proposed 1789 but had no sunset date): Congressional pay raises can't take effect until after a subsequent election cycle
== Notes on the Constitution / misc vocab ==
* Federalism
* cooperative federalism
* dual federalism
* dual sovereignty
* due process
* privileges and immunities
=== Constitutional Powers ===
* concurrent
* delegated
* enumerated
* enumerated powers
* expressed
* implied
* informal powers
* inherent powers
=== Important clauses ===
* Commerce clause (Article I, Section 8)
* Elastic clause
* Necessary and Proper clause (Article I, Section 8)
* Opinion Clause
* Supremacy clause
== Executive branch, agencies, administrations, boards, commissions, departments, federal corporations ==
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=== Cabinet-level Departments ===
* authorized by the Opinion Clause of Article II, section 2, clause 1
** authorizes the President to "require the Opinion, in writing of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments"
* headed by a "secretary"
** except for Justice Department, which is headed by the "Attorney General"
* Secretaries are organized by the "Presidential Succession Act of 1947" in succession (replacing) following the President pro tempore of the Senate
** starting with State, then Treasury, Defense, Attorney General, and onward
=== agencies ===
* created by Congress
* are organized into various Departments
* or are "Independent Agencies" that exist unto themselves
* a few Independent Agencies are outside of the Executive branch, including
** Congressional Research Service, US Sentencing Commission
* agencies may also have their own courts, called Administrative Courts (overseeing "Administrative Law" regarding that agency or administration's are of legal authority)
* "quasi-official" agencies include
** John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
** Smithsonian Institution
** US National Zoo
** other federal museum systems, research organizations, federal missions, etc.
=== administrations ===
=== boards ===
=== commissions ===
=== corporations ===
* Government-sponsored enterprise (GSE)
* Fannie Mae
* Farm Credit System
* United Postal Service
* Corporation for Public Broadcasting
=== Federal Reserve ===
* created by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
* operates as the U.S. central banking system
** technically not a "central bank"
* a public-private entetity that consists of
** regional Federal reserve banks
** Fedeal Open Market Committee
<< to complete entry
=== List of current Departments ===
<u>note</u>: the dates of formation of the Departments are indicative of priorities/ issues at the time of formation
* Agriculture (1862)
* Commerce (1903)
* Defense (1949)
** replaced War Department (1789)
** consolidated Navy (1798), Army (1947)and Air Force (1947) into single Department
* Education (1979)
* Energy (1977)
* Health and Human Services (1953)
* Homeland Security
** consolidated various agencies into this single Department
*** including, US Customs Service (from Treasury), Immigration and Naturalization Service (from Justice), Transportation Security Administration (from Transportation), U.S. Coast Guard (from Transportation), US. Secret Service (from Treasury), Federal Emergency Management Agency (was not associated with a Department), and others; see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Homeland_Security Department of Homeland Security (wikipedia)]
* Housing and Urban Development (1967)
* Interior (1849)
* Justice (1870)
* Labor (1913)
* State (1789)
* Transportation (1967)
* Treasury (1789)
* Veterans Affairs (1989)
=== list of important agencies and councils===
<u>note:</u> these organizations exist to assist the President regarding specific matters (list is incomplete)
* National Security Council
* National Space Council
* Council of Economic Advisers
* President's Intelligence Advisory Board
* Office of Administration
* Office of Management and Budget
* Office of Science and Technology Policy
* Office of the United States Trade Representative
* Office of the Vice President of the United States
* White House Office
== US History timeline ==
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''' 1750s-1770s: Revolutionary Period '''
* - French Indian War (America) / Seven Years War (Europe/ Asia)
* end of salutary neglect
** see [[US History timeline & concept chart: 16th-18th centuries (to 1754) British-American colonies#Salutary neglect|US History timeline & concept chart: 16th-18th centuries (to 1754) British-American colonies]]
* British colonial rule subsequent to war, including
** taxes, trade restrictions and regulations
** direct imposition of British rule through
*** crown-appointed governors and judges
*** placement of soldiers in areas of unrest
* impact upon American political thought:
** economic and political liberties
** taxes
** representation in Parliament
'''1775-81: American Revolution '''
'''1776: Declaration of Independence'''
* "Common Sense"
''' Articles of Confederation period (1775-1789)'''
* 1787 Constitutional Convention
''' 1789: Constitution ratified/ Federal government commences'''
* Federalist Papers
** compromise w/ anti-Federalists
** restrictions upon FEDERAL powers/ protections for individuals and states
** BOR adopted, 1791
''' 1790-1800s: Early Republic'''
* growing partisanship: Hamilton v. Jefferson
* factions
* 1798: Alien and Sedition Acts:
** partisan fight over Anglo/French outlook & French Revolution (Paine to France)
** restriction on immigration (Naturalization Act) & powers of deportation (Alien Friends Act)
** limits on political speech (Sedition Act)
* Judicial review affirmed by Marshall Court (Marbury v. Madison, 1803)
''' 1812-1815: War of 1812'''
* largely over U.S. western expansion/encroachment and Napoleonic War implications on trade & maritime laws
''' 1810s - 1820s'''
* Era of Good Feelings
* Federal Supremacy affirmed by Marshall Court (McCullough v. Maryland, 1819)
* challenges to federal Commerce Clause powers
''' 1820s: Jacksonian period'''
* political patronage
* entrenchment of political parties
** federal Indian policies
** national bank arguments for/against
* protectionism
** southerners hated it, northerners wanted import taxes
** = promotion of industry
** emergence of Whig party in reaction to Jacksonian
''' 1850s: antebellum period'''
* expansion of slavery (arguments, political compromises, entry of new states)
* slavery issue / abolition movement
* westward expansion >> manifest destiny
* federal expansion via territories
* 1860 election: rise of Republican party (4-way split election)
''' 1861-65: Civil War''' 
* “Second American Revolution”
* Gettysburg Address
* abolition and Constitutional Amendments
'''1865-1877: Reconstruction'''
* Civil Rights Acts
* Compromise of 1877 (Hayes elected, end of Reconstruction)
* Posse Comitatus Act (1878)
* - Segregation/ Jim Crow
''' 1880s-1890s: Industrialization'''
* Pendleton Act (1883; anti-patronage after Garfield assassination)
* Jim Crow / Segregation
** Plessy v Ferguson 1896
* Railroads & western economic expansion challenges Commerce Clause
* populism, demands for government regulation (railroads, granaries, slaughterhouses)
* industrialization
* labor conditions
* unionization
* trusts
* Spanish-American War: American colonialism (1896)
''' 1890s-1910s: Progressive Era'''
* Gov reform: “professional” expert” bureaucracies, rule by "commissions"
* economic & social reforms: urban conditions / labor / immigration
* Department of Labor (changed from Bureau to Department 1913)
* Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
* Income tax (16th amendment)
* Direct Democracy (17th amendment)
* “initiative, referendum and recall”
* Trusts / trust busting
* Federal Reserve (panic of 1907)
''' 1917-18: WWI (US involvement; 1914-1918 in Europe)'''
* policing powers v. individual rights/ dissenters/protesters
* 1st amendment: anti-war protests/ conscription (Debs)
** " yell fire in a crowded theater"
* “Incorporation cases”
* Women’s suffrage (19th amendment, 1920) – as result of women participation in economy during war
''' 1920s: Roaring 20s'''
* Prohibition (18th amendment)
* Expansion of federal policing powers (FBI)
** in response to anarchist/ socialist agitation & terrorism
''' 1930s: Depression'''
* New Deal economic interventions/ expansion of commerce clause powers
* Social Security: welfare state
* FDR court packing scheme
''' 1941-45: WWII'''
* pressure on segregation from total social mobilization during war that included black Americans
* 1945-1950s/60s: Post-War:
* 50's middle class / suburbs
* automobiles / National Highways System
* Cold War
* Korean War (1950-53)
''' Civil Rights era'''
* desegregation: Brown (in public schools)
* desegregation of economic activity
* application of Civil Rights Movement to ethnicity, social identities
* expansion of liberties, especially “privacy”
* Martin Luther King
* Malcolm X
* Great Society (Johnson)
''' 1960s:'''
* Vietnam / protests
* youth movements / hippies
* popular culture
* Regulatory State: EPA, Dept of Transportation, etc.
* sexuality: contraception (1960s), abortion (1973) homosexuality (1990s)
''' 1970s'''
* inflation / economic decline
* feminism
''' 1980s'''
* economic growth
* banking / Wall Street scandals
* 1989: collapse of Soviet Union
'''1990s/ 2000s:'''
* technology
* globalization
* global warming
* War on Terror

== Running Gov vocabulary list (uncategorized) ==  
== Running Gov vocabulary list (uncategorized) ==  
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* 3/5ths clause
* 3/5ths clause
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* ABC agencies
* ABC agencies
* abolition / abolitionist
* absentee ballot
* acquisitive bureaucracies
* acquisitive bureaucracies
* activist / activism
* activist court
* activist court
* actual malice
* actuary tables
* actuary tables
* ad hominem
* ad hominem
* adjudication
* administrative court
* administrative court
* administrative law
* administrative law
Line 34: Line 668:
* age discrimination
* age discrimination
* agency
* agency
* agenda
* agenda / agenda setting
* Al Sharpton
* Al Sharpton
* Alexis de Tocqueville
* Alexis de Tocqueville
Line 40: Line 674:
* "all politics is local"
* "all politics is local"
* allocation of resources
* allocation of resources
* amendment
* America First / America-Firsters
* America First / America-Firsters
* “Ameicans”
* “Ameicans”
Line 47: Line 682:
* American exceptionalism
* American exceptionalism
* American System, the
* American System, the
* amicus curiae
* Americans with Disability Act (ADA)
* ''amicus curiae''
* amnesty
* amnesty
* anarchy / anarchism
* anarchy / anarchism
* anachronistic / anachronism
* anachronistic / anachronism
* Annapolis Convention
* Annapolis Convention
* anomaly / anomalous
* antebellum
* antebellum
* anti-federalist
* anti-federalist
Line 57: Line 694:
* apolitical
* apolitical
* appeal / appellate court
* appeal / appellate court
* appointment, & power of
* apportion/ apportionment
* apportion/ apportionment
* appropriations / appropriate
* appropriations / appropriate
Line 68: Line 706:
* at large / at large representation
* at large / at large representation
* atrophy
* atrophy
* Attorney General
* Australian ballot
* Australian ballot
* authority
* authority
* authorization
* balance of trade
* balance of trade
Line 82: Line 723:
* big tent
* big tent
* bilateral
* bilateral
* bill
* bill of attainder
* bill of attainder
* Bill of Rights
* Bill of Rights
* bipartisan
* bipolar system
* black box voting machine
* black box voting machine
* Black Lives Matter (BLM)
* Black Lives Matter (BLM)
* bipartisan
* blanket primary
* block grants
* block grant
* blog
* blue collar/ white collar
* blue collar/ white collar
* Blue Dogs
* Blue Dogs
* Blue state
* Blue state
* bond / bond issue
* Boston Tea Party
* Boston Tea Party
* boycott
* Broken Windows Theory
* Broken Windows Theory
* Bush doctrine
* Bush doctrine
Line 104: Line 751:
* bureaucratic inertia
* bureaucratic inertia
* burden
* burden
* busing
* cabal
* cabal
Line 114: Line 763:
* capitalism
* capitalism
* capitol
* capitol
* capture, agency or administrative
* categorical grants
* categorical grants
* caucus
* caucus
Line 128: Line 778:
* check & balances
* check & balances
* Chief Executive
* Chief Executive
* Chief of State
* Christian Coalition
* Christian Coalition
* citizenship
* citizenship
Line 136: Line 787:
* Civil Rights Acts
* Civil Rights Acts
* civil service
* civil service
* civil society
* claimant / complainant
* claimant / complainant
* classics / classical
* classics / classical
* classical conservatism
* classical liberalism
* classical liberalism
* classified / classified information
* clear & present danger doctrine
* clear & present danger doctrine
* client politics
* client politics
* closed primary
* cloture
* cloture
* coalition
* coalition
Line 149: Line 804:
* collective bargaining
* collective bargaining
* collective decisions
* collective decisions
* collectivism
* Commander in Chief
* Commander in Chief
* Commerce clause
* Commerce clause
Line 156: Line 812:
* common law
* common law
* community standards
* community standards
* comparative politics
* competitive federalism
* competitive federalism
* concession
* concession
Line 183: Line 840:
* consumerism
* consumerism
* contempt of court
* contempt of court
* Continental Congress (First, Second)
* context / contextual
* context / contextual
* Continental Congress
* Continental Congress
Line 198: Line 856:
* court
* court
* creative destruction
* creative destruction
* credentials committee (conventions)
* criminal law
* criminal law
* critical election
* cruel and unusual punishment
* cruel and unusual punishment
* currency: hard v. soft, "political currency"
* currency: hard v. soft, "political currency"
Line 217: Line 877:
* delegate, a (n)
* delegate, a (n)
* delegate, to (v)
* delegate, to (v)
* delegate model of representation
* delegated powers
* delegated powers
* deliberation
* deliberation
Line 228: Line 889:
* department / Department
* department / Department
* Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
* Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
* deregulate
* deregulate / deregulation
* determinism
* desegregation
* determinism / deterministic
* deterrence
* deterrence
* deviance
* deviance
Line 239: Line 901:
* direct representation
* direct representation
* direct tax
* direct tax
* discharge petition
* discount rate (Federal Reserve)
* discount rate (Federal Reserve)
* discretionary authority (bureaucracies)
* discretionary authority (bureaucracies)
Line 263: Line 926:
* dual court system
* dual court system
* due process
* due process
* duopoly
* duty / duties
* duty / duties

Line 272: Line 936:
* economic theory
* economic theory
* economy / economy
* economy / economy
* effective tax rate
* efficacy (internal v external efficacy)
* efficacy (internal v external efficacy)
* egalitarianism
* egalitarianism
* elastic / “elastic clause”
* elastic / “elastic clause”
* election
* election
* elector
* Electoral College
* Electoral College
* electoral mandate
* electoral mandate
Line 281: Line 947:
* elites / elitism
* elites / elitism
* eminent domain
* eminent domain
* enabling legislation
* Enlightenment
* Enlightenment
* entanglement/s
* entanglement/s
Line 289: Line 956:
* enumerate
* enumerate
* enumerated powers
* enumerated powers
* environmental impact statement
* Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
* Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
* equal application of the law
* equal application of the law
Line 298: Line 966:
* equality of opportunity
* equality of opportunity
* equality of outcomes
* equality of outcomes
* "equal time" rule
* equity
* equity
* Establishment clause
* Establishment clause
Line 322: Line 991:
* fair tax, the
* fair tax, the
* Fairness doctrine
* Fairness doctrine
* faithless elector
* "fake news"
* "fake news"
* family values
* family values
Line 329: Line 999:
* federal apparatus
* federal apparatus
* Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
* Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
* Federal Reserve
* Federal Elections Commission
* Federal Register, the
* Federal Reserve / federal reserve bank
* federalism
* federalism
* federalist
* federalist
Line 353: Line 1,025:
* franchise, the (n)
* franchise, the (n)
* franking
* franking
* franchise
* franchise, the
* franking
* franking / franking privilege
* fraud
* fraud
* free rider
* free rider
Line 361: Line 1,033:
* friend of the court
* friend of the court
* front loading (primaries)
* front loading (primaries)
* front runner
* front-runner
* Full faith & credit
* Full faith & credit clause
* functionary
* functionary
* funded mandates (v unfunded)
* funded mandates (v unfunded)
* fundamentalism
* future contingents (“what is today is not… tomorrow”)
* future contingents (“what is today is not… tomorrow”)

* gag order
* Gallup/ Gallup Poll/ George Gallup
* Gallup/ Gallup Poll/ George Gallup
* Gang of Eight
* Gang of Eight
Line 373: Line 1,048:
* gay and lesbian
* gay and lesbian
* gender
* gender
* gender discrimination
* gender gap
* gender gap
* General Accounting Office (GOA)
* General Accounting Office (GOA)
Line 380: Line 1,056:
* gerrymandering
* gerrymandering
* global warming
* global warming
* globalization
* government
* government
* Government Accountability Office (GAO)
* Government Accountability Office (GAO)
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* grants
* grants
* grants-in-aid
* grants-in-aid
* grassroots, grassroot activism
* Great Compromise
* Great Compromise
* gridlock
* gridlock
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* Guantanamo (also “Gitmo”)
* Guantanamo (also “Gitmo”)
* gubernatorial
* gubernatorial
* guerrilla war
* gun control

* habeas corpus
* habeas corpus, writ of
* hard money (v. soft money)
* hard money (v. soft money)
* harm
* harm
Line 401: Line 1,081:
* home rule
* home rule
* Homeland Security Department
* Homeland Security Department
* honeymoon period
* Horatio Alger story
* Horatio Alger story
* horse race
* horse race
Line 413: Line 1,094:
* “if you want more of something, subsidize it;
* “if you want more of something, subsidize it;
* illegal alien
* illegal alien
* impeachment
* implied powers
* impound/ impoundment
* impound/ impoundment
* incentives
* incentives
* income inequality
* income inequality
* income transfer
* incorporation cases
* incumbent
* incumbent
* incrementalism
* independent
* infrastructure
* infrastructure
* inherent bias (polling)
* inherent bias (polling)
Line 431: Line 1,118:
* Imperial presidency
* Imperial presidency
* “In God We Trust”
* “In God We Trust”
* in-kind
* incentive
* incentive
* income distribution
* income distribution
Line 443: Line 1,131:
* indirect democracy
* indirect democracy
* indirect tax
* indirect tax
* individualism
* individualism / rugged individualism
* inequity
* inequity
* inflation
* inflation
* inherent powers
* influence
* influence
* infomercial
* infomercial
Line 451: Line 1,140:
* inherent power
* inherent power
* initiative
* initiative
* inner circle
* inside game
* "inside the Beltway"
* intellectual property
* intellectual property
* inter-state commerce (also, v intra-state)
* inter-state commerce (also, v intra-state)
Line 460: Line 1,152:
* interest rate / discount rate
* interest rate / discount rate
* International Monetary Fund (IMF)
* International Monetary Fund (IMF)
* interview bias (polling)
* institution
* institution
* Iraq War
* Iraq War
Line 474: Line 1,167:
* Joint Chiefs of Staff
* Joint Chiefs of Staff
* joint committee
* joint committee
* journalism, attack- , gotchya-
* judicial activism
* judicial activism
* judicial branch
* judicial branch
* judicial philosophy
* judicial restraint
* judicial restraint
* judicial review
* judicial review
Line 481: Line 1,176:
* jurisdiction
* jurisdiction
* jury nullification
* jury nullification
* just-war theory
* justice
* justice
* Justice Department
* Justice Department
Line 489: Line 1,185:
* keynote address
* keynote address
* kitchen cabinet
* kitchen cabinet
* Kyoto Protocol

* laboratories of democracy<ref>Description of federalism and state sovereignty as creating a "laboratory" for "experiments. From Justice Brandeis' dissent in [[wikipedia:New_State_Ice_Co._v._Liebmann|'''''New State Ice Co. v. Liebmann''''',]]: " It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous State may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country. This Court has the power to prevent an experiment."</ref>
* laissez-faire
* laissez-faire
* lame duck (president)
* lame duck (president)
Line 497: Line 1,195:
* largess
* largess
* laws of unintended consequences
* laws of unintended consequences
* law maker
* law making
* lawfare
* leak/s
* left wing
* left wing
* Left, the
* Left, the
Line 510: Line 1,212:
* letter of the law
* letter of the law
* liability / limited liability
* liability / limited liability
* libel
* liberal (small “l”)
* liberal (small “l”)
* Liberal (big “L”)
* Liberal (big “L”)
Line 521: Line 1,224:
* linkage institution
* linkage institution
* liquidity
* liquidity
* literacy test
* litigant / litigation
* litigant / litigation
* living constitution (also “organic”)
* living constitution (also “organic”)
Line 529: Line 1,233:
* lock box
* lock box
* logrolling
* logrolling
* loophole
* Louisiana Purchase
* Louisiana Purchase

* machine politics
* machine politics
* Machiavelli
* Machiavelli / Machiavellian
* Machiavellian
* Madisonian model
* magistrate
* magistrate
* Magna Carta (also “Magna Charta”)
* Magna Carta (also “Magna Charta”)
* mainstream media (MSM)
* majority
* majority
* majority age
* majority age
Line 542: Line 1,248:
* majority opinion
* majority opinion
* majoritarian politics
* majoritarian politics
* majority rule
* “majority rule, minority rights”
* “majority rule, minority rights”
* malapportionment
* mandate
* mandate
* mandatory retirement
* Manifest Destiny
* Manifest Destiny
* marble-cake federalism
* margin/ s
* marginal
* marginal
* marginal district
* marginal district
* marginal tax rate
* market economy
* market economy
* market mechanism
* market mechanism
* markup
* Marshall Court
* Marshall Court
* Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
* Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Line 559: Line 1,272:
* means test
* means test
* media
* media
* Mediate
* mediate
* Mediaite
* Media Research Center
* Media Research Center
* Medicaid / Medicare
* Medicaid / Medicare
Line 586: Line 1,300:
* muckraker
* muckraker
* Mugwump
* Mugwump
* multiculturalism
* multilateralism
* multinational corporation

Line 595: Line 1,312:
* national committee
* national committee
* national convention
* national convention
* national debt
* National Governors Association
* National Governors Association
* National Rifle Association (NRA)
* National Rifle Association (NRA)
* National Security Agency (NSA)
* National Security Agency (NSA)
* National Security Advisor / Council
* National Security Advisor / Council
* nation state
* nationalism
* nationalize / nationalization
* nationalize / nationalization
* natural law
* natural law
* natural monopoly
* natural monopoly
* Necessary and Proper clause
* Necessary and Proper clause
* Neocon / neoconservatism
* New Deal
* New Deal
* new federalism
* New Jersey Plan
* New Jersey Plan
* New Nationalism
* New Nationalism
Line 610: Line 1,332:
* niche
* niche
* Nielsen Ratings
* Nielsen Ratings
* nihilism
* “The 99%”
* “The 99%”
* No Child Left Behind
* No Child Left Behind
Line 621: Line 1,344:
* North America Free Trade Agreement NAFTA)
* North America Free Trade Agreement NAFTA)
* Nuclear Football, the
* Nuclear Football, the
* Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Line 630: Line 1,354:
* “of the people”
* “of the people”
* Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
* Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
* Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
* oligarch / tech oligarchs/ oligarchy
* omnibus legislation
* omnibus legislation
* open government
* open government
* open primary
* open primary
* open society
* open society
* opinion leader
* opinions (Court)
* opinions (Court)
* opposition research
* opposition research
Line 642: Line 1,369:
* originalist
* originalist
* overlapping authorities
* overlapping authorities
* overregulation
* oversight, judicial-, congressional-

* pack journalism
* pardon
* pardon
* parliamentary maneuver
* parliamentary maneuver
* parliamentary system
* parliamentary system
* parochial
* parochial / parochial school
* partisan / partisanship
* partisan / partisanship
* party affiliation
* party dealignment
* party realignment
* party realignment
* parties: major, minor, independent
* parties: major, minor, independent
* party dealignment
* party de-alignment
* party discipline / party loyalty
* party discipline / party loyalty
* party machine
* party machine
Line 671: Line 1,403:
* petition
* petition
* People for the American Way
* People for the American Way
* pigeonholing
* photo op
* photo op
* plaintiff
* plaintiff
Line 678: Line 1,411:
* plebe / plebian
* plebe / plebian
* pluralism / pluralistic
* pluralism / pluralistic
* plurality
* pocket veto
* pocket veto
* polarize / polarization
* polarize / polarization
Line 693: Line 1,427:
* political economy
* political economy
* political identity
* political identity
* political participation
* political parties
* political parties
* political science
* political socialization
* political socialization
* political stability
* political stability
* politicize
* politicize
* politico model of representation
* politics
* politics
* poll tax
* poll tax
* polling
* polling
* polls (surveys / polling stations)
* polls (surveys / polling stations)
* pollster
* polyarchy
* polyarchy
* popular government
* popular government
Line 706: Line 1,444:
* popular vote / popular majority
* popular vote / popular majority
* populist / populism
* populist / populism
* pork
* pork barrel
* pork barrel
* positive law
* positive law
Line 712: Line 1,451:
* power/ powers
* power/ powers
* power broker
* power broker
* power of the purse
* Preamble, the
* Preamble, the
* precedent
* precedent
Line 719: Line 1,459:
* president
* president
* President of the United States (also POTUS)
* President of the United States (also POTUS)
* President of the Senate
* President pro tempore
* President pro tempore
* presidential commission
* presidential privilege
* Press, the
* Press, the
* press secretary
* press secretary
Line 727: Line 1,470:
* primary elections/ primaries: direct primary, open primary, closed primary
* primary elections/ primaries: direct primary, open primary, closed primary
* primogeniture
* primogeniture
* print media (also "dinosaur media")
* prior restraint v. prior review
* prior restraint v. prior review
* privacy / privacy rights
* privacy / privacy rights
* privatization
* privilege / privileged / privileges
* privilege / privileged / privileges
* privileges & immunities
* privileges & immunities
Line 745: Line 1,490:
* proportional representation
* proportional representation
* prosecutor / prosecution
* prosecutor / prosecution
* protected speech
* protection
* protection
* protectionism
* protectionism
* proxy war
* public assistance
* public choice theory
* public choice theory
* Public Citizen
* Public Citizen
* public education
* public good (also collective good)
* public interest
* public interest
* public interest group
* public interest group
Line 759: Line 1,509:
* pure democracy
* pure democracy
* push poll
* push poll
* quota/ racial quota
* quorum
* quorum
* quotas / quota system

* race
* racial discrimination
* racial preferences
* racial quotas
* "rally 'round the flag"
* random sampling
* ranked choice voting
* ranked choice voting
* ranking member
* ratify / ratification
* rational choice model (voting)
* ratings
* rational-basis review (or scrutiny)
* rational-basis review (or scrutiny)
* reactionary
* reactionary
Line 769: Line 1,531:
* Reaganomics
* Reaganomics
* realclearpolitics.com
* realclearpolitics.com
* realignment
* reapportionment
* recall
* recall
* race
* racial discrimination
* racial preferences
* recidivism
* recidivism
* receivership
* reconcile
* reconcile
* Red Scare
* Red Scare, the
* Red state
* red state
* red tape
* red tape
* redistribution
* redistribution / redistributive policy
* redistricting
* redistricting
* referendum
* referendum
* regime
* regressive tax
* regressive tax
* regulation (s)
* regulation (s)
Line 793: Line 1,556:
* rent seeking
* rent seeking
* repeal
* repeal
* reprieve (legal)
* republic
* republic
* republican (small “r”)
* republican (small “r”)
Line 804: Line 1,568:
* rescission
* rescission
* resolutions (v. laws)
* resolutions (v. laws)
* revenue
* revenue sharing
* reverse discrimination
* reverse discrimination
* rhetorical power
* rhetorical power
Line 824: Line 1,590:
* “safe seat”
* “safe seat”
* safety net
* safety net
* sample
* sampling error
* sampling error
* sanction
* sanction
Line 829: Line 1,596:
* school choice
* school choice
* school prayer
* school prayer
* school voucher
* scrutiny: intermediate & strict scrutiny; also rational basis scrutiny
* scrutiny: intermediate & strict scrutiny; also rational basis scrutiny
* search and seizure
* search and seizure
Line 854: Line 1,622:
* Shays’ Rebellion
* Shays’ Rebellion
* show cause
* show cause
* signing message
* silent majority, the
* silent majority, the
* simple majority
* simple majority
* single-member district
* single-member district
* situational ethics
* situational ethics
* skewed sample
* slander
* small claims court
* small claims court
* “smoke filled rooms”
* “smoke filled rooms”
* soccer mom
* soccer mom
* social choice theory
* social choice theory
* social class
* social construction
* social construction
* social contract
* social contract
Line 869: Line 1,642:
* social media
* social media
* social mobility
* social mobility
* social class
* Social Security
* social welfare
* social welfare
* socialism
* socialism
Line 879: Line 1,652:
* Speaker of the House
* Speaker of the House
* special committee
* special committee
* special election
* speech
* speech
* splinter party
* split ticket v. straight ticket vote
* split ticket v. straight ticket vote
* spoiler
* spoils system
* Southern Poverty Law Center
* Southern Poverty Law Center
* staffer
* stakeholder
* stakeholder
* standard operating procedure (SOP)
* standards / standardize
* standards / standardize
* standing (courts)
* standing (courts)
* stare decisis
* ''stare decisis''
* state
* state
* state ownership
* state ownership
Line 891: Line 1,670:
* State of the Union address
* State of the Union address
* states’ rights
* states’ rights
* statecraft
* statute of limitations
* statute of limitations
* statutes
* statutes
Line 896: Line 1,676:
* statutory
* statutory
* stewardship
* stewardship
* straight-ticket voting
* straw vote
* straw vote
* strict constructionist
* strict constructionist
Line 907: Line 1,688:
* suffrage
* suffrage
* Sunday morning talk shows
* Sunday morning talk shows
* sunset provision
* sunshine laws
* sunshine laws
* super majority
* super majority
* superdelegate
* Super Tuesday
* Supremacy clause
* Supremacy clause
* Supreme Court (also SCOTUS)
* Supreme Court (also SCOTUS)
* Surgeon General
* suspect categories
* suspect categories
* swing states
* swing states
Line 921: Line 1,706:
* talk radio
* talk radio
* talking heads
* talking heads
* tax credit
* tax rate
* tax rate
* tax shelter
* tax shelter
Line 927: Line 1,713:
* technicalities
* technicalities
* term limits
* term limits
* terrorism
* textualist / textualism
* textualist / textualism
* “The” v. “These” United States
* “The” v. “These” United States
Line 936: Line 1,723:
* Title Programs: Title I, II, IX, etc.
* Title Programs: Title I, II, IX, etc.
* tort
* tort
* total war / warfare
* totalitarian
* totalitarian
* town hall meeting
* town hall meeting
* “Tragedy of the Commons”
* “Tragedy of the Commons”
* transnational
* treason
* trial balloon
* trial balloon
* trial by jury
* triangulation
* triangulation
* Trickle Down theory
* Trickle Down theory
* trustee / trusteeship
* trustee model of representation
* two party system
* two party system
* trust, a (n)
* trust, a (n)
Line 950: Line 1,743:
* unanimity
* unanimity
* unanimous
* unanimous
* underemployment
* underprivileged
* undocumented worker
* undocumented worker
* underprivileged
* unemployment compensation
* unemployment compensation
* unemployment rate
* unemployment rate
Line 957: Line 1,751:
* unilateral / unilaterally
* unilateral / unilaterally
* unintended consequences (moral hazard)
* unintended consequences (moral hazard)
* unipolar
* unity
* unitary system
* universal suffrage
* universal suffrage
* “Unsafe at Any Speed”
* “Unsafe at Any Speed”
* unwritten constitution
* unwritten constitution
* urban renewal
* urban renewal
* user fee
* utility
* utility

Line 967: Line 1,765:
* values voter
* values voter
* veto
* veto
* veto message
* vice presidency
* vice presidency
* Virginia Plan
* Virginia Plan
* virtual representation
* virtual representation
* volunteer bias (polling)
* vote
* vote
* vote by mail / mail-in ballot
* vote of conscience
* vote of conscience
* voter apathy
* voter behavior
* voter behavior
* voter apathy (>> not defining of non-voting)
* voting rights
* voting rights
* Voting Rights Act (esp. “Section 2”)
* Voting Rights Act (esp. “Section 2”)
Line 984: Line 1,785:
* War on Terrorism
* War on Terrorism
* war powers
* war powers
* watchdog
* watchdog / watchdog group
* Watergate
* Watergate
* Ways & Means committee
* Ways & Means committee
* Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
* weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
* wedge issue
* wedge issue
* weighting
* weighting
Line 998: Line 1,799:
* William Jennings Bryan
* William Jennings Bryan
* “winner take all”
* “winner take all”
* woke
* wording bias (polling)
* World Bank
* World Bank
* workfare
* workfare
Line 1,005: Line 1,808:
* xenophobic
* xenophobic
* yellow journalism

* zoning
* zoning
== Forms of government: types & terms==
<div style="column-count:2">
* absolute monarchy
* aristocracy
* authoritarian
* colony
* constitutional monarchy
* constitutional government
* constitutional monarchy
* council, city or county
* democracy
* dictatorship (modern)
* direct democracy
* divine rule
* dynasty
* empire
* feudalism
* hereditary rule
* kleptocracy
* monarchy
* nation
* oligarchy
* parliamentary
* polyarchy
* primogeniture
* representative democracy
* republic
* self-government
* self-rule
* state
* theocracy
* totalitarian
* tyranny (tyrant)
== Economics: theories & terms ==
* command economy
* comparative advantage
* consumerism
* developed world
* developing world
* First World
* Free-trade
* "Invisible hand of the market"
* Keynesianism
* laissez-faire
* local v national economy
* Locke
* market economy
* Marxism
* opportunity cost
* planned economy
* political economy
* public choice & social choice theories
* Reaganomics
* scarcity & surplus
* staple crop
* Supply-Side
* Third world
* traditional economy
* trickle-down
* utility
== Taxes / taxation ==
* city, state, local taxes
* direct v. indirect tax
* excise
* income bracket
* income
* Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
* loopholes
* marginal tax rate
* progressive tax
* property
* regressive tax
* sales
* shelters
* tax authority
* withholding
== Sociological terms ==
* affirmation
* Broken Windows Theory
* confirmation bias
* “defining deviance down” (Daniel Patrick Moynihan)
* deviance as healthy (Durkheim)
* deviance
* group think
* life cycles
* linguistics
* loss aversion
* norms
* repetition bias
* role fulfillment
* self-identity
* socialization
* status
* symbols / symbolism
* validation
* voter behavior
== Landmark Supreme Court Cases (alphabetical) ==
* Baker v Carr (1962)
* Bakke v Regents of the University of California (1978)
* Bob Jones University v US (1983)
* Boy Scouts of America v Dale (2000)
* Brown v Board of Education (1954)
* Buckley v Valeo (1976)
* Bush v Gore (2000)
* Charles River Bridge v Warren Bridge (1837)
* Cherokee Nation v Georgia (1831)
* Citizens United v Federal Election Commission (2010)
* Civil Rights Cases of 1883
* Clinton v City of New York (1998)
* Clinton v Jones (1997)
* Commonwealth v Hunt (1842)
* Dartmouth College v Woodward (1819)
* District of Columbia v Heller (2008)
* Dred Scott v Sandford (1857)
* Engel v Vitale (1962)
* Escobeda v Illinois (1964)
* Ex parte Endo (1944)
* Ex parte Milligan (1866)
* Fletcher v Peck (1810)
* Furman v Georgia (1972)
* Gibbons v Ogden (1824)
* Gideon v Wainwright (1963)
* Gitlow v New York (1925)
* Gratz v Bollinger (2003)
* Griswald v Connecticut (1965)
* Grottner v Bollinger (2003)
* Hamdi v Rumsfield (2004)
* Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier (1983)
* Heart of Atlanta v US (1964)
* Kelo v City of New London (2005)
* Korematsu v United States (1944)
* Lau v Nichols (1974)
* Lawrence v Texas (2003)
* Lemon v Kurtzman (1971)
* Lochner v New York (1905)
* Loving v Virginia >>
* Mapp v Ohio (1961)
* Marbury v Madison (1803)
* McCulloch v Maryland (1819)
* Miller v California (1973)
* Miranda v Arizona (1966)
* Muller v Oregon (1908)
* Munn v Illinois (1876)
* New Jersey v T.L.O. (1985)
* New York Times v Sullivan (1964)
* New York Times v U.S. (1971)
* Northern Securities Co. v U. S. (1904)
* Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992)
* Plessy v Ferguson (1896)
* Pollock v The Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. (1895)
* Regents v Bakke (1978)
* Regents of CA v Bakke (1978)
* Roe v Wade (1973)
* Roper v Simmons (2005)
* Schenck v US (1919)
* Schechter v U. S. (1936)
* Scott v Sanford (1857)
* Shaw v Reno (1993)
* Shenck v United States (1919) / Clear & Present Danger
* Texas v Johnson (1989)
* Tinker v Des Moines (1969)
* U.S. v American Library Association (2003)
* U. S. v E. C. Knight Co. (1895)
* U.S. v Nixon (1974)
* Van Order v Perry (2005)
* Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Railway Co. v Illinois (1886)
== Constitutional Powers (list of) ==
* concurrent
* delegated
* distribution of power
* enumerated
* expressed
* implied
* informal
* inherent
* reserved
== Legal doctrines and terms ==
* Clear & Present Danger Doctrine
* Judicial Review
* Lemon test
* Miranda rights
* Rule of Reason
* Separate but Equal
* judicial activism/ -activist
* judicial restraint
* living constitution
* original intent
* strict constructionist
* textualist
* amicus curiae
* due process
* exclusionary rule
* habeas corpus
* litmus test
* precedent
* prior restraint
* privileges & immunities
* procedural law / procedural rights
* remedy
* stare decisis
* strict scrutiny
* strict scrutiny / intermediate scrutiny
* substantive due process
* writ of certiorari
* Marshall Court (1801-1835)
* Warren Court (1954-1969)
* Rehnquist Court (1986-2005)
== Important laws ==
* (incomplete, names as commonly known, not the actual legislative name)
* Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC; 1935 as part of SSA)
* Americans with Disabilities Act (1991)
* Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act (1993)
* Civil Service Reform Act (1978)
* Civil Rights Act of 1964
* Clean Water Act (1987)
* Clean Air Act (1970)
* Dodd-Frank (2010)
* Endangered Species Act (1973)
* Fair Housing Act (1968)
* Family Medical Leave Act (1993)
* Federal Election Campaign Acts (FECA, 1971)
* Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, 1966)
* Hatch Act (1939)
* Immigration Act of 1991
* Judiciary Act (1789)
* McCain Feingold (2002)
* Motor Voter Act of 1993
* National Security Act of 1947
* National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, 1969)
* Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932)
* Obama Care (“Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010”)
* Pendleton Act (or "Civil Service Act of 1883")
* Social Security Act (SSA) (1935)
** see also Title II, Title XVIII (Medicare), Title XIX (Medicaid)
* Simpson-Marzzoli Act (1987)
* Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
* U.S. Patriot Act of 2001
* Voting Rights Act of 1965
* Wagner Act (1935)
* War Powers Act (1973)
== U.S. Constitution ==
For Constitution Pop-Up Study Guide see: http://www.mrbromleysclass.com/jsagov/?page_id=96
* Preamble
* Article 1: Legislative organization/ powers
* Article 2: Executive organization/ powers
* Article 3: Judicial organization / powers
* Article 4: Full Faith & Credit / Privileges & Immunities (relationship between states); also "Republican Form of Government" guarantee
* Article 5: constitutional amendment process (2/3rds Congress or convention of states to propose, 3/4ths States to ratify; state equal suffrage in Senate protection
* Article 6: Supremacy Clause; also, oaths of office, no religious test
* Article 7: Ratification of Constitution by 9 states
== Constitutional Amendments/ Timeline ==
=== Early Republic amendments ===
* 1-10, 1789: BOR (Bill or Rights)
* 11, 1795: clarified / limited judicial powers re. suits between citizens & states & foreign nations
* 12, 1803: reorganized Prez/VP election (joined as a ticket essentially)
=== Civil War era amendments ===
* 13, 1865: abolish slavery
* 14, 1868.
** Section 1
*** naturalized citizenship
*** privileges & immunities protection,
*** due process
*** equal representation
** Section 2
*** apportionment of representatives (abolished 3/5ths clause)
** Section 3
*** limit political participation of former confederates
** Section 4
*** validated Northern war debt
* 15, 1869: protects voting rights regardless of race, color, former servitude
=== Progressive era amendments ===
* 16, 1913: direct tax (income tax)
* 17, 1913: direct election of senators (by popular vote in states)
* 18, 1917: prohibition
=== WWI era amendments ===
* 19, 1920: voting rights for women
=== 1930s/40s amendments ===
* 20, 1933: move prez inauguration to Jan (from March), clarified succession
* 21: repeals 18th amendment (prohibition)
* 22, 1951: limit office of prez to two terms (in response to FDR 4 terms)
=== Civil Rights era amendments ===
* 23, 1961: electoral college votes for DC
* 24, 1964: abolishes poll taxes
* 25, 1967: clarifies prez succession in case of incapacitation (Cold War)
* 26, 1971: reduce voting age to 18
=== Modern era amendments ===
* 27, 1992 (originally proposed 1789 but had no sunset date): Congressional pay raises can't take effect until after a subsequent election cycle
== Notes on the Constitution / misc vocab ==
* Federalism
* cooperative federalism
* dual federalism
* dual sovereignty
* elastic clause
* privileges and immunities
=== Constitutional Powers ===
* concurrent
* delegated
* enumerated
* enumerated powers
* expressed
* implied
* informal powers
* inherent powers
== US History timeline ==
=== 1750s===
* - French Indian War (America) / Seven Years War (Europe/ Asia)
* end of salutary neglect
=== 1760s===
** British colonial rule subsequent to war, including
** taxes, trade restrictions and regulations
** impact upon American political thought:
** economic liberties
** taxes
** representation in Parliament
=== 1775-81: American Revolution ===
=== 1776: Declaration of Independence ===
* "Common Sense"
=== Articles of Confederation period (1775-1789) ===
* 1787 Constitutional Convention
=== 1789: Constitution ratified/ Federal government commences ===
* Federalist Papers
** compromise w/ anti-Federalists
** restrictions upon FEDERAL powers/ protections for individuals and states
** BOR adopted, 1791
=== 1790s: Early Republic ===
* growing partisanship: Hamilton v. Jefferson
* factions
* 1798: Alien and Sedition Acts:
** partisan fight over Anglo/French outlook & French Revolution (Paine to France)
** restriction on immigration (Naturalization Act) & powers of deportation (Alien Friends Act)
** limits on political speech (Sedition Act)
* Judicial review affirmed by Marshall Court (Marbury v. Madison, 1803)
=== 1812-1815: War of 1812 ===
* largely over U.S. western expansion/encroachment and Napoleonic War implications on trade & maritime laws
=== 1810s - 1820s===
* Era of Good Feelings
* Federal Supremacy affirmed by Marshall Court (McCullough v. Maryland, 1819)
* challenges to federal Commerce Clause powers
=== 1820s: Jacksonian period ===
* political patronage
* entrenchment of political parties
** federal Indian policies
** national bank arguments for/against
* protectionism
** southerners hated it, northerners wanted import taxes
** = promotion of industry
** emergence of Whig party in reaction to Jacksonian
=== 1850s: antebellum period ===
* expansion of slavery (arguments, political compromises, entry of new states)
* slavery issue / abolition movement
* westward expansion >> manifest destiny
* federal expansion via territories
* 1860 election: rise of Republican party (4-way split election)
=== 1861-65: Civil War ===
* “Second American Revolution”
* Gettysburg Address
* abolition and Constitutional Amendments
=== 1865-1877: Reconstruction ===
* Civil Rights Acts
* Compromise of 1877 (Hayes elected, end of Reconstruction)
* Posse Comitatus Act (1878)
* - Segregation/ Jim Crow
=== 1880s-1890s: Industrialization ===
* Pendleton Act (1883; anti-patronage after Garfield assassination)
* Jim Crow / Segregation
** Plessy v Ferguson 1896
* Railroads & western economic expansion challenges Commerce Clause
* populism, demands for government regulation (railroads, granaries, slaughterhouses)
* industrialization
* labor conditions
* unionization
* trusts
* Spanish-American War: American colonialism (1896)
=== 1890s-1910s: Progressive Era ===
* Gov reform: “professional” expert” bureaucracies, rule by "commissions"
* economic & social reforms: urban conditions / labor / immigration
* Department of Labor (changed from Bureau to Department 1913)
* Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
* Income tax (16th amendment)
* Direct Democracy (17th amendment)
* “initiative, referendum and recall”
* Trusts / trust busting
* Federal Reserve (panic of 1907)
=== 1917-18: WWI (US involvement; 1914-1918 in Europe) ===
* policing powers v. individual rights/ dissenters/protesters
* 1st amendment: anti-war protests/ conscription (Debs)
** " yell fire in a crowded theater"
* “Incorporation cases”
* Women’s suffrage (19th amendment, 1920) – as result of women participation in economy during war
=== 1920s: Roaring 20s ===
* Prohibition (18th amendment)
* Expansion of federal policing powers (FBI)
=== 1930s: Depression ===
* New Deal economic interventions/ expansion of commerce clause powers
* Social Security: welfare state
* FDR court packing scheme
=== 1941-45: WWII ===
* pressure on segregation from total social mobilization during war that included black Americans
* 1945-1950s/60s: Post-War:
* 50's middle class / suburbs
* automobiles / National Highways System
* Cold War
* Korean War (1950-53)
=== Civil Rights era ===
* desegregation: Brown (in public schools)
* desegregation of economic activity
* application of Civil Rights Movement to ethnicity, social identities
* expansion of liberties, especially “privacy”
* Martin Luther King
* Malcolm X
* Great Society (Johnson)
=== 1960s: ===
* Vietnam / protests
* youth movements / hippies
* popular culture
* Regulatory State: EPA, Dept of Transportation, etc.
* sexuality: contraception (1960s), abortion (1973) homosexuality (1990s)
=== 1970s ===
* inflation / economic decline
* feminism
=== 1980s ===
* economic growth
* banking / Wall Street scandals
* 1989: collapse of Soviet Union
=== 1990s/ 2000s: ===
* technology
* globalization
* global warming
* War on Terror