Epic of Gilgamesh

Revision as of 20:55, 12 June 2024 by Bromley (talk | contribs)

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an "epic," or

Epic poetry

  • "epic" is a heroic narrative, or story, usually in poetic verse
    • from Greek epikos, for "heroic poetry", from epos for a word, story, prophecy
      • from PIE *wekw- for "to speak"
  • epics generally address questions of human origins, mortality and gods
    • and focus on a "hero" protaganist who must overcome challenges with feats of strength or wit
  • ancient epics, such as Gilgamesh or those of the Greek Homer, were transmitted orally long before they were put in written form
    • oral story-telling frequently uses verse and rhymes in order to assist memorization

Archeaological finds of Epic of Gilgamesh

Sumer / Mesopotamia historical background

Epic of Gilgamesh narrative

Literary devices & allegorical elements

Shedding of skin