!! Version 2 !! functionhooks lsth !! endfunctionhooks # This is the standard article assumed to exist. !! article LsthSections !! text this is the intro ==1== sec 1 ==2== sec 2 ===3=== sec 3 ==a== sec a ==b== this is ==not== a section !! endarticle !! test transclude a heading !! wikitext {{#lsth:LsthSections|1}} !! html

sec 1

!! end !! test transclude a heading (case insensitive) !! wikitext {{#lsth:LsthSections|A}} !! html

sec a

!! end !! test transclude the intro !! wikitext {{#lsth:LsthSections}} !! html

this is the intro

!! end !! test transclude a section with invalid heading !! wikitext {{#lsth:LsthSections|b}} !! html

this is ==not== a section

!! end !! test transclude a invalid heading !! wikitext {{#lsth:LsthSections|not}} !! html !! end !! test transclude offset section -w- subs. !! wikitext {{#lsth:LsthSections|2}} !! html

sec 2


sec 3

!! end !! test transclude nonesistent section !! wikitext {{#lsth:LsthSections|9999}} !! html !! end !! article LsthNoInclude !! text This sentence is outside noinclude tags. This sentence is within noinclude tags. This sentence is within noinclude tags. This sentence is withinbroken noinclude tags. !! endarticle !! test don't transclude content within noinclude tags !! wikitext {{#lsth:LsthNoInclude}} !! html

This sentence is outside noinclude tags.

broken noinclude tags.

!! end !!test blank lines at end !!input {{#lsth:LsthSections|1}} == Another Section == !!result

sec 1

Another Section[edit]
